
Просмотр полной версии : Neurologist and neurosurgeon

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  1. The doctor! After a genyantritis oslozhnenie-a neuritis of a trigeminal nerve. Was at nevrol... (1 ответов)
  2. To the child (the boy, 6 months) have registered Pyracetamum. Whether there are by-effects p... (2 ответов)
  3. The arm or hand, already month, basically on a cold hurts. A joint of an index finger and... (1 ответов)
  4. Prompt, please, where it is possible to place in Moscow for the further it is treated... (4 ответов)
  5. I do not know, whether to the address of I address, but vsyo-taki I shall ask. At me grow dumb (and... (3 ответов)
  6. The son had a concussion of the brain, the head now hurts, falls in obmor... (1 ответов)
  7. Hello, dock. I to myself set cervical vertebra or vertebrae and they "crackle", and p... (1 ответов)
  8. Hello. To my grandmother 82 years. Within last 3 years accrues or increases p... (2 ответов)
  9. The last half a year a giddiness, basically, in the weakened status. Up to... (1 ответов)
  10. Very good technique on treatment of a backbone and joints in the centers kinezit... (1 ответов)
  11. To me 33 years. Already gde-that pol-year such situation. When someone on job... (1 ответов)
  12. The dear doctor!!! HOW MUCH or AS FAR AS I know PROFESSOR STEPANOV the opera does or makes... (1 ответов)
  13. The dear doctor yesterday has learned or has found out that from me a hernia of a cervical department. That d... (2 ответов)
  14. Hello! 3 y day hurts a head pressing a pain on all head, occasionally... (1 ответов)
  15. Cerebral areahnoidit, s-l paroksizmalnyh statuses. What is it? To what m... (2 ответов)
  16. Good afternoon! We search for knowing expert and a good hospital for treatment obos... (10 ответов)
  17. Hello. Age of 40 years. I work 8 on changes, for 12 hours, in that chi... (1 ответов)
  18. Hello I wish to ask a question in occasion of a vegetative neurosis. Eight me... (3 ответов)
  19. Hello the doctor. I again in occasion of VCHD and pains in the left eye. (the report... (4 ответов)
  20. Hello, tell or say, that can mean if the child 2, 8 knock sometimes z... (1 ответов)
  21. At my husband after failure or accident in 1998 intracranial pressure. Recently it or him... (1 ответов)
  22. Zdrastvujte! Since the last Saturday I am am excruciated with headaches and postojan... (1 ответов)
  23. Hello! I early in the morning had a habit spasm of the top right labium, very much nep... (1 ответов)
  24. Hello, the doctor! After spent magnito-a resonant tomography with... (2 ответов)
  25. My mum of 5 years suffers from periodically (40 seconds) a coming sound in le... (2 ответов)
  26. Hello! To me 28. Promptly I lose operative memory. Very quickly z... (2 ответов)
  27. Prompt how to help or assist my close girlfriend. To her 43 years. Have diagnosed... (1 ответов)
  28. Zdravtsvujte the doctor! I pernes or ORZ itself precisely do not know a bronchitis. I drink ampi... (1 ответов)
  29. Hello. I am am excruciated with headaches with rising pressure, I am pregnant... (1 ответов)
  30. The dear doctor! Consultation is very necessary to me, but in your list is not present nevr... (2 ответов)
  31. Hello! At my brother almost a trace the status one year ago has begun: postoja... (1 ответов)
  32. Uvazhaeme doctors, advise what to do or make, please: 6 years nazhad I per... (2 ответов)
  33. Hello, the doctor! The right leg or foot began to hurt or be ill;be sick my father (51 year) month... (1 ответов)
  34. Kind time of day! Prompt, what calming or abirritating tablet to accept before... (1 ответов)
  35. I twitch eyes... (1 ответов)
  36. Good afternoon! I am am disturbed very much with my status which even to explain work... (3 ответов)
  37. Hello the Doctor! I during half a year am am excruciated with pains in the field of serd... (1 ответов)
  38. The arthrosis and chondrosis of a cervical department are how much dangerous? Whether will help or assist manualnaja rubbed... (1 ответов)
  39. Hello! At me frequent headaches in a frontal part of a head strengthening... (1 ответов)
  40. Good afternoon, the doctor. Please give advice or council. Recently I feel on... (1 ответов)
  41. At the patient - women of 50 years after an insult has passed or has taken place half a year. Have appeared an attack... (1 ответов)
  42. Hello, the doctor! My grandmother has chilled a sciatic nerve (it or her hurt n... (1 ответов)
  43. The doctor! At me bad analyses on revmoproby, and to itself to address on it or this p... (1 ответов)
  44. Hello. " - year back I have inflamed a loin and have lifted tjazholyj a load nepr... (6 ответов)
  45. Hello! A vegeto-vascular dystonia on cerebral type, the doctor naznv... (1 ответов)
  46. Zdrastvujte the doctor! I have found out in the 16 years or summer daughters a curvature pozv... (1 ответов)
  47. Zdrastvujte! Me have directed to you from conference "cosmetician", a problem at... (3 ответов)
  48. Hello! I ask advice or council on treatment of an ischias (an inflammation sed. A nerve). ZHenshchi... (1 ответов)
  49. The doctor, good afternoon! To me of 39 years, last month began to notice that at me... (1 ответов)
  50. I vshejnom a department have a crunch at movement by a head. And sometimes I happen... (1 ответов)