
Просмотр полной версии : Gastroenterologist

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  1. Hello! Very much I like rye hlebtsy and suhariki firms " Finn Crisp ". nesk... (2 ответов)
  2. Prompt where it is possible to check up a stomach not dearly or expensively and qualitatively?... (1 ответов)
  3. Hello. I 4 j day am am disturbed with a nausea and not clear sensations under lo... (1 ответов)
  4. Hello the doctor. The stomach or belly hurts 4 day. H all as usual p... (1 ответов)
  5. At me than half a year here what problem already is more: alongside with strong pains... (1 ответов)
  6. The dear doctor! After sorts or labors has typed or collected 25 kg, has then dumped or reset them. I can not log huts... (1 ответов)
  7. Hello the doctor. At my husband yellow fibers of eyes. It or he has the some people... (1 ответов)
  8. Hello! I would like to recover. 27. Body height 174, weight 56. App... (1 ответов)
  9. Hello, at the diagnosis a chronic gastritis with attributes of an atrophy for 2 go... (1 ответов)
  10. Whether the truth at diseases of a liver it is impossible to drink many juices and in particular volume... (1 ответов)
  11. Hello! Pstojannaja gravity in prvom to a side especially after reception of nutrition, she... (2 ответов)
  12. Tell or Say please, what products promote normal digestion?.. (2 ответов)
  13. The dear doctor! At my mum a bitter taste in a mouth and an eructation (sweetish). The doctor... (1 ответов)
  14. Hello! Soon new year and very much would be desirable to look or appear on all of 100 %:)))... (1 ответов)
  15. History: It became bad each time more increasing or more and more and more, after kureni... (4 ответов)
  16. I on September, 17th asked a question in occasion of alimentary and power values... (1 ответов)
  17. Good afternoon! At me taka a problem: a chair at me once a week, sometimes 2 3... (3 ответов)
  18. What is KOLOVADO +... (4 ответов)
  19. Hello, the doctor! In June of this year has passed or has taken place course of treatment (amoksitsillin... (1 ответов)
  20. Hello! At me a chronic constipation. And a chair constantly dense round... (2 ответов)
  21. The doctor, has made gastroduodenoskopiju and the analysis has shown the cytologic big... (6 ответов)
  22. Hello the doctor! On esophagogastroduodenoscopy - the duodenitis also is not present zhelochi... (3 ответов)
  23. Hello! Advise please a good diet for nabiranija weights. Has rescueed or saved... (1 ответов)
  24. Business concerns or touches SRK. At you competent answers. If does not leave on "soap", not... (2 ответов)
  25. Hello! Has risen on balances in the morning and was horrified. Kakim-in any image I of hundred... (2 ответов)
  26. Dietary magic has made with me the Miracle!!! I have grown thin for 40 kg!!! pom... (4 ответов)
  27. After I have stopped to feed I began to type or collect sharply enough weight.... (2 ответов)
  28. Prompt how to grow thin. During pregnancy has typed or collected 24, after sorts or labors about... (2 ответов)
  29. Here has decided to not use some more meat, eggs and as much as possible to limit upotreb... (4 ответов)
  30. Hello, dear doctors! As you concern to a physiotherapy (decimeter... (1 ответов)
  31. Hello! To me 32, disturb pains in right hypochondrium, has made US (... (1 ответов)
  32. It was treated for a gastritis, but the bitter taste in a mouth does not pass or take place. Now advise to do or make with... (1 ответов)
  33. Mahmud Magatovich Magatov! Where you were gone! It is very a pity, if you will not be on... (1 ответов)
  34. Hello, the doctor! Mine 7 years or summer daughters two weeks ago have removed append... (1 ответов)
  35. What is "herpes" (on labiums and genitals) and as with it or him;them to struggle... (1 ответов)
  36. There is an opinion that so widely advertised or promoted bifidoproduktsija izv... (1 ответов)
  37. Hello, dear doctors. A question such: if there is an eructation that... (1 ответов)
  38. Treatment of a stomach ulcer and 12- intestines (0 ответов)
  39. Hello. The doctor, me of 20 years. As a result of a unhealthy regimen - is more exact... (1 ответов)
  40. Excuse, but you have not answered my question... I write still time. Vladislav 25 n... (2 ответов)
  41. Whether it is possible not operational way to get rid from stones in a cholic bubble? And e... (3 ответов)
  42. Whether implantation of a liver is expedient at Wilson's illness or disease - Konovalova?... (1 ответов)
  43. Prompt, please. At my mum stones in a cholic bubble. Two 20 mm... (2 ответов)
  44. Hello, the doctor! Advise, please, the DIET at dermal zabolevan... (3 ответов)
  45. Zdrastvujte. When I get on a a diet, at me constipations begin. Unimportantly, zho... (1 ответов)
  46. The doctor! Tell or say, pozhaljusta as it is possible to raise or increase quickly acidity in zheludk... (1 ответов)
  47. To me almost 16. Here already 11 month I do not eat meat. My body height 162, and weight thus... (3 ответов)
  48. Hello! Than operation on decrease (binding) can be dangerous... (1 ответов)
  49. Good afternoon. The dear doctor, please, advise, I have handed over a blood on he... (1 ответов)
  50. The dear dietarian! You could not consult me in occasion of new... (1 ответов)