  1. Katerina
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Hello. To me 21 year. There was raised or increased Prolactinum 711 (norm or rate 67 726). Have registered L-a thyroxine 100 (a floor of a tablet every morning). In five months the repeated analysis. Result: Prolactinum 735 (norm or rate 67 726). Prompt how to be, please. It is necessary to cancel a preparation? In advance thanks.

  2. TSIR
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Hello Katerina!
    L-thyroxine - a hormonal preparation which is used for replaceable therapy at a pathology of a thyroid gland (i.e., basically, at depression of its or her function).
    The given preparation does not reduce a level of Prolactinum! And if you do not have pathology SHCHZH prnimat it or him does not follow!!!
    Pathological rising of a level of Prolactinum is accompanied by the certain clinical picture that demands careful inspection for revealing the reason by a rack giperprolaktinemii and purposes or appointments of treatment!
    It is necessary to consider, that Prolactinum - stressornyj a hormone and its or his unitary rising (and also rising without clinical attributes) not always the certificate of illness or disease.

    Yours faithfully, doctor-endocrinologist Mitin Irina Alekseevna.

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