  1. Andre
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Help or Assist to diagnose. I do not know, than I am ill or sick.
    Already more than 15 years are ill or sick with any illness or disease and I can not learn or find out, with me. Moreover, at all I do not know to what doctor to address. Has dared to write on this site, as here experts in all areas of medicine.

    I think, that for correct statement of the diagnosis it is necessary to write a little about myself, so to say, to give a brief case history. So...

    In advance I am sorry in discrepancy of medical formulations as I am not the expert in this area. Was very morbid child. We shall begin with congenital tetrady Fallo (cardiologists should know what is a heavy thing). Till eight years was "not walking" - terrible otdyshka, fast weariness, a giddiness, frequent losses of consciousness (all from tetrady). Besides has had been ill almost with all infectious diseases, except for Botkin as inoculations have been counter-indicative. Transferred or carried all very hardly, doctors practically always spoke, that I shall not survive. However... In eight years has laid down on operation on applying anastemoza, to pull more was impossible, and it was impossible to do or make also iz-for weakened or easied an organism earlier. Have made successfully, it is a little polegchalo, began to go itself. Years in ten "has seized" purulent menengit. Opjat-taki very serious form, three times took a puncture, three days laid under a dropper and the same conversations that I shall not survive went. Has managed...
    In fifteen years (1985) has laid down on radical operation. Chances - 50 on 50, but practically the choice was not. Did or made longly, but have made. Gde-that half a year came to the senses, and in a year sertse it was broke and has received an arrhythmia. Laid down in clinic again, "struck" a current. An intimate or a cardiac rhythm have restored. Alternately with it or this did or made numerous researches and intubations so on a body does not remain neporezanogo places.

    After radical operation have planted or put to me vision. Like as strengthened a cardiac musle digoxin, and he strongly influences vision. But fell gradually. Now a minus six, however for sixteen years it not progress as at once has fallen up to a minus of two as all time I work behind a computer.

    She is an epopee has ended to years to seventeen, has decided to undertake itself seriously. Probably someone to me will not believe, but since then did not know, that such hospital. At school has on the sly borrowed or occupied in sambo-wrestling, in due course - karate. Has finished with distinction institute, I have the first it is given on contact karate, easy I fracture bricks and I have a seat on a twine. I run much, activly I become tempered.

    All this I write not to show what I good, and for completeness of a picture as I think, that something from this concerns my unknown person for me illness or disease. Excepting it or her, now I feel practically absolutely healthy and I intend to live years hundred twenty minimum - Amosov's "school" where, by the way, me and operated affects.

    But is small "but". Visit or attend me any not clear attacks. I recollect, that it has begun gde-that after the second operation and proceeds to this day. I shall try to describe as it is possible more precisely.

    At first there are dark maculae before eyes, an illegibility of the image, impossibility of focusing (read under the encyclopedia - similar on a glaucoma, but not she). Depending on gravity of an attack lasts 5 - 15 minutes
    After all passes or takes place and the small numbness of the right party or side of a body begins where took anastemoz (opjat-taki not always). The numbness begins with ends of fingers and wavy passes to the face, t. e. The arm or hand already departs, and labiums grow dumb. I shall repeat, that the numbness not strong and occurs or happens not always, and only at the most serious attacks. The maximum of 5 minutes lasts not for long.
    The sharpness of a statement is simultaneously lost. Would think like by way of and when I start them to speak the rubbish turns out.
    Then all this disappears. All lasts approximately 20 - 25 minutes and after begin the most unpleasant - a headache of a various degree of gravity, with a nausea, a vomiting, a giddiness. Happens from 15 minutes till 5 o'clock. After an attack a head of midday serious (as with boduna). Yes, has absolutely forgotten - I do not drink and I do not smoke (essentially, for all life even some beer with a champagne did not try or taste).

    It is interesting, that no periodicity in attacks is present, there is that all easy on half a year. Has noticed, that on a load (physical and intellectual) too does not depend. Happened after two days of the uttermost rest and even at night in a dream (has defined or determined on a head hurted or ill;sick from morning). After other-wordly loads on trainings it's OK, but opjat-taki: twenty times normally, and twenty first-...
    Attacks happen a different degree of gravity. Happens, that all complex passes or takes place for five minutes and nothing remains, and happens will be tightened or delayed for all day.
    There were two times successively in current of hour. The first easy or light;mild, the second is stronger and is imposed on a headache. In the sum it is heavy all the day.
    Happened in day, but it is very rare. In general, last two cases for sixteen years occured or happened only time four. Basically repeat not earlier than month, but happens, that there is no also a half a year.

    Last time was at the oculist, asked. Have told or said, that to vision it has no attitude or relation and darkening or dimout in opinion of from a wrong circulation. Recently laid in hospital with a pneumonia, did or made the analysis of a blood (the general or common and from a vein), have told or said, that that's all right.

    Now questions: that it at me such, to itself to address and what to do or make?

    I, voobshche-that, the optimist also think, that time for such big term no trouble does not happen, that, probably, and to not happen. Here only these attacks deliver some inconveniences.

    It can consequences of a meningitis? Or, really, after operations the circulation was a little broke or disturbed and sometimes thus proves. After an attack such sensation as though any strain slept.

    Excuse for confusion izlozhenieja. I do not know, to itself to address. You, if can, prompt, what is it such. Can it is necessary to something specify, so ask questions.

    In advance thanks.

    Yours faithfully, Andrey.

  2. Ira
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Andriusha, budesh zhit " 100 let, durak.

  3. Julia
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Andre, eto mozet bitj migrenj s auroj (estj takaja forma), togda golovnoj boli kazdij raz predshestvujut odni i te ze strannie simptomi. No pri migreni golovnaja bolj dolzna bitj ochenj siljnoj i puljsirujushej. Nevrologi dolzni znatj etu formu. Eto toljko predpolozenie. Mozet takze bitj cto posle vseh boleznej u tebja estj narushenija perefiricheskoj nervnoj sistemi, no takie mogut projt takze vnezapno kak i pojavilisj. Tebe nado obratitjsja k opitnomu nevrologu, prveritj refleksi i sdelatj MRI (magnitnij rezonans) golovi chtobi iskljuchitj serjeznije zabolevanija i uspokoitjsja. Esli vse v norme, to znachit, vse eto prohodjashee, verj v eto i zivi kak obichno.
    Esli MRI pokazhet izmenenija, to estj takie nastroi Sitina, gde progovarivaesh tekst samovnushenija s celju pobeditj ljubuju boleznj. Ego kniga prodaetsja vezde, eti teksti mozno izmenitj dlja svoej situacii, zapisatj svoim golosom i proslushivatj utrom i vecherom.

  4. Shirokova E.B.
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Andrey! Considering all of you stated it is possible to assume, that attacks are connected with transient disturbances of a cerebral circulation. I advise to discuss this problem with ours konsultantom-the neurologist at its or his conference.

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