  1. fedora
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    PROBLEM... I want zavyt, to shout, but only silently I cry or pay, problems accumulate one on one. Only recently has pulled out from that light of the brother from which the wife has left, legs or foots were took away from the grandmother... Powerlessness. If it was possible, something for them to make... To live I do not want... And sometimes becomes so terribly, what I shall die, and how they? Do not think I not shizofrenichka, and I not too have not enough years - 34, but the facade in public exhausts, as though all at me is good, and at sterility or barrenness... Help or assist advice or council, simply talk to me... Usli it is possible write tanya@yandex. ru

  2. The yard keeper
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    The ship is wrecked. Comes up 3 muzhiks. Hardly reach the nearest island. It is a little having come to, lift heads and see on coast the tablet: " Welcome to island of amazons ". Here iz-for scrubs there are amazons, greet, and speak, that if muzhiks wish to live at them on island they need to pass or take place through castration... Muzhiks not arranging jump in the sea and float where eyes look. Float, float, the first does not maintain: " Everything, muzhiks, I back. Let without eggs, but alive. " . Otstalnye float further, here hear a heart-rending cry from island, start to float even more quickly. After a while the second does not maintain. Turns. After a while again wild cry and 1 starts to float even more quickly. But here forces start to leave or abandon both it or him, and he it is terrible materjas turns back... Comes on coast, it or he is met by amazons. He asks before to geld or emasculate supposedly, tell or say, why those so shouted terribly. Really it so is sick. chik and all.
    " Well, you understand, - speak amazons, - we have asked everyone than he during lifetime of was engaged. The first has told or said, that was the woodcutter - we to him an axe ottjapali. Stone... The second kamenshchikom has appeared... " Here the muzhik starts to neigh terribly, is simple on sand goes for a drive. Amazon ask, the pier of that happens, that here such ridiculous.
    The muzhik responds, choking with laughter: " Yes I am simple all life on karamelnoj to factory worked. @ * ** *! " * ** ** TO LIVE it is necessary in any * ** **

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