Writes Vinnikov Oleg
My son is sick since March 2006. The diagnosis Acute limfoblastnyj leukosis L3
Variant, mature. Has received an induction on I to the report, then 6 blocks or trochleas himijaterapii.
In front of the sixth block or trochlea relapse-augmentation of a lymphonodus of a jaw with a lesion of sialadens has begun,
Augmentation l/at on pilar chaste heads. The biopsy has been made.
: To a tumour corresponds or meets mature In-cellular a ???o?N/leukemia.
Doctors have deadlocked or called. What to me to do or make? Can you can help or assist us? Respond please!.
To the son of 11 years.

Yours faithfully,
Vinnikov Oleg mailto:vinnikov-oleg@mail.ru