  1. Ivet
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Dear doctors! All 3 years of our joint life with the husband we work on hospitals. Before, short of sklerokistoza (shtejna-?NoN?Oa?n), I was the healthy person. Now I in *quot; to abyss O?an?yn*quot; - the next attack! I cannot LIVE any more with relapsing attacks of urethrites: an intolerable burning sensation in the lowermost department of a urethra after an emiction, sensation of fullness of a bubble, a constant dyscomfort of a urethra (I feel it or her) and to all to it or this the temperature - 36,8-37,5 was still added.

    Except for t signs are always identical, only attacks became more rare or infrequent - 2 in it or this to year, earlier - in 2-3 months.

    On October, 9th this year has made a laparoscopy (sklerokistoz).

    After operation (in the same cycle) on US there was an ovulation, now endometry 22 mm, bases. t keeps 37,2, it is appointed or nominated djufaston (45 day of a cycle). The doctor suspects possible or probable pregnancy. I am afraid to be rescueed or saved;salvaged by old methods: instilljatsii Dioxydinum in a urethra, furagin, 5-, Nospanum, a bearberry. I am am frightened with temperature. Prompt, please, consequence or investigation of that can be constant urethrites!!! The immunology can reveal it?

    It can salts (Sodium oxalatums, Natrii phosphases) irritate a urethra or pereodicheski *quot; ?U?O*quot; sand, but he would be visible in bank?

    We have passed or have taken place:

    1999 a phytotherapy, treatment by many antibiotics unsuccessfully, crops on flora found each time something new.

    2000 - stats. Treatment both in a venerology (2 months) in occasion of chlamydias, gardnerell. Smears (a method - *quot; gold ?Oa?naOO*quot. Intravenously - Metrogil 5 days, tsiprinol 14 days, sumamed 12-13 dn., in/m tsikloferon, mestno erythromycin. Ointment, fiz. Procedures, Nistatinum, atsilakt. The control over 3 and 6 months smears - otrits.

    In 6 months after treatment again relapse. In urology instilljatsii Sodium nitritum of silver, Dioxydinum, Hidrocortizonum and more something. The doctor has told or said: *quot; We operate or work blindfold, but on the basis of UOa*quot;. Time or temporary simplification.

    Then full inspection at the nephrologist - kidneys in norm or rate (only in analyses Sodium oxalatums or Natrii phosphases).

    In advance thanks, zanna

  2. gushinalena
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    I have just now found out your letter Jeanne. The relapsing urethritis at women can be connected with presence of diverticulums of a urethra (saccular karmanchiki informed with a urethra), parauretralnyh courses, an inflammation parauretralnyh glands (skeniit), and also an inflammation of glands entrances of the vagina (bartholinitis). All these anatomic contributing factors are found out at inspection. Where do you live? I can recommend to itself to address.

  3. funtik
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    By the way, about *quot; aO?a???aO*quot;. If remember that girl with attributes ITS, I had an impression, that in its or her case too without them has not managed, for such quantity or amount of any rubbish, including scraps of the crumpled infected tissues (is more correct, that from them remains as a result all over again chaotic proliferatsi, and then a partial resorption) both not renal (!) lithates and Sodium oxalatums, simply could not leave from podslizistogo a layer of a urethra. However, neither an endoscopy, nor US of anything, except for moderated or moderate inetsirovanija capillaries it was not found out.

    In this connection a question: whether happens, what similar cavities are not visualized at all by instrument methods?

  4. SandPiper
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    For vizulizatsii diverticulums of a urethra it is necessary to have double balonnyj a catheter to cause or call an occlusion naruzhnego and internal apertures of a urethra. Then to fill a urethra of roentgens-contrasts under pressure and then there is a chance to contrast diverticulums. Simple uretrogramma such effect does not give (apertures of diverticulums can be too narrow and surmountable only under pressure). In this case uretroskopija often happens it is useless. US it is useless posti always.

  5. artur
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Thanks. So I also assumed. But, probably, radiopaque agents too not always allow to estimate or appreciate true volume and a locating of diverticulums if they can be chatichno or are completely filled by medley from a liquid, obryvkov tissues and salts. Perhaps, it is necessary to look for ways of visualization by means of air pressurization? It is interesting, how often such diverticulums are observed at ITS? If again to mention that girl except for suprapubic pains and other vesical signs, the patient almost constantly felt strong morbid pressure in certain *quot; O?N*quot;, being somewhere in on border of proximal or medial parts of a urethra. Periodically and irrespective of it or this there were similar sensations on the right and to the left of a urethra. Sometimes pains were marked or celebrated simultaneously or even merged. Exacerbations were preceded usually with a polyuria, rare or infrequent oblegchenijam - a deposit in urine. On arrival in Tolyatti the patient has received a course antimicrobic and rassasyvajushchej homeopathic therapy therefore vesical signs (including suprapubic pains) have disappeared completely and has begun intensive othozhdenie muddy urine which structure of a deposit as I already mentioned, included a plenty changed infected by chlamydias and ureaplasmas of tissues, and also Sodium oxalatum of a calcium and a lithate of an ammonium. The first substance is one of products of a glycolysis and a nonspecific catabolit of some microorganisms. The second (for the lack of Helicobacter) - is practically specific to a ureaplasma. A lump of a deposit (not including slime) it is probable, has made tens grams. Thus, pains in the field of a urethra had characteristic cyclic character: -holding apart at transparent urine and -burning at muddy. From urinary puzyvrja and kidneys of any signs it was not marked or celebrated. In view of shortage of time, before homing to Moscow (in February) it has been decided to accelerate a resorption by means of 3 sessions of an electrophoresis with Lydasum therefore othzhdenie salts and formulated or uniform elements has amplified with simultaneous intensifying morbidity. Now the moderate pains, basically, in *quot are periodically marked or celebrated; O?N*quot;, which, possibly, is an ostium of a diverticulum. Urine transparent. A smear rather pure or clean. Here such history about *quot; aO?a?U*quot;.

  6. Aurora
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Thanks for the answer, I did not hope any more for any discussions.

    Unfortunately, I live in Kharkov. You me *quot; Oanoa??*quot; the theory about *quot; aO?a?aO*quot;! Naturally, similar research to me did not offer neither the urologist, nor the nephrologist. Last has suggested to have a drink *quot; EN??NO*quot; (BAD), as in that case (in last time t. To. Pregnancy all the same was and *quot; i?au?O??*quot; has ended for 9 weeks with an abortion) the choice of preparations has been limited and, actually what to drink if crop was sterile.

    But I remember, what the nephrologist spoke me about possible or probable congenital refluxes (it casually not one and too?), but it somehow would let about itself the know till 27 years?

    Therefore a question - if *quot; aO?a?U*quot; congenital when they usually disturb? And whether there can be they *quot; O?iONON??U??*quot;?

    And more in passing voprosik:

    (We exclude venzabolevanija)

    If at the husband a prostatitis - infectious processes *quot are possible or probable; Oa?*quot; - whether the semen can infect?

    If yes, than?

  7. Alexdolinsk
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Now concept *quot; oN??ai?Noa??N*quot; in a venerology practically it is not used, remaining by inertia only in the name of specialization and specialized medical institutions. Now in a course concept *quot; cAAA*quot; - the disease passed sexual by. At what, for a full correctness it would be necessary to add one more *quot; A*quot; - the disease passed mainly sexual by, since infenktsy, passed exclusively *quot; ?oU?*quot; by it is not known at all.

  8. Proctolog
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Desire of some doctors and not only to treat you from those infections PPP even if they at you and are not present to me clearly. Is than to borrow or occupy, and you to borrow or occupy. As to BADov: well when to borrow or occupy there is already nothing. I.e. there are no ideas about the reasons of an event then the some people recommend BADy, sacred water, kerosene, etc.

    In essence. So-called *quot; aO?a?U*quot; or diverticulums of a urethra can be both congenital and got. More often they congenital. Refluxes - yes it is possible or probable. If you have uncontrollable reductions of a bladder (a hyperactive bladder) as a result of rising intravesical pressure can be and refluxes. For studying this question it is necessary to make urodinamicheskoe research (tsistometrija) and miktsionnuju cystourethrography (a picture of a bladder and a urethra during an emiction after preliminary entered radiopaque substance). If the husband has an infectious prostatitis he can pass you intestinal rod and other frequent originators of prostatites which are also the frequent reason of infections of urinary ways at women.

    To be surveyed to you it is necessary carefully, Jeanne. And to your husband too. Yours faithfully

  9. Alex_Spb
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    That E.coli often vstechaetsja in vydelenijah from a prostate, yet does not prove what exactly she causes a prostatitis. You not begin to approve or confirm, that the pharyngitis causes Candida albicans only on the ground that at such patients tongue often is imposed white for a short while!

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