  1. Elena
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Good afternoon!
    prokomentirujte, please, results of analyses. To me 22 years (beremennostej and abortions were not). With what lowered level FSG - 0, 7 can be connected at norm or rate (2, 0 20, 0 me/) handed over on 5 day mestrualnogo a cycle, at norm or rate of such hormones as LG - 1, 7 (0, 5 18, 0 me/), Oestradiolum - 0, 17 (up to 0, 5 nmol/), TTG - 1, 00 (0, 3 4, 5 mked/ml), 3 - 1, 42 (1, 2 2, 8 nmol/), 4 free - 16, 8 (11 26 pg/ml) and Prolactinum 95, 0 (67 580 mme/)? No inflammations and infections are present, a smear on flora - excellent or different. Very much I wish to become pregnant in the near future. In advance many thanks for the answer!

  2. Elena
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    I wish to add still, that hormonal contraceptives, never accepted, were protected always by a condom.

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