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  1. Áîÿçíü ñòîëáíÿêà
    îò Àëåêñåé1978 â ðàçäåëå Ïñèõîëîãèÿ è ïñèõîòåðàïèÿ, äåïðåññèè
    Îòâåòîâ: 1
    : 18.01.2008, 00:33
  2. Âåðîÿòíîñòü ñòîëáíÿêà - ñðî÷íî
    îò Àðòåìèé â ðàçäåëå Èíôåêöèîííûå áîëåçíè
    Îòâåòîâ: 3
    : 23.07.2006, 21:22
  3. âîïðîñ ïðî ïðîôèëàêòèêó ñòîëáíÿêà
    îò katechka â ðàçäåëå Ïåäèàòð - âñå î äåòÿõ.
    Îòâåòîâ: 5
    : 02.10.2004, 01:29
  4. Îòâåòîâ: 1
    : 29.08.2004, 10:31
  5. ß çàäàâàëà âîïðîñ îá àíàëüíîì ñåêñå, êàêóþ ïðîôèëàêòèêó Âû ïîñîâåòóåòå? Ñïà...
    îò Àíîíèì â ðàçäåëå Ñåêñ è ñåêñîïàòîëîãèÿ, îòíîøåíèÿ.
    Îòâåòîâ: 1
    : 10.06.2004, 16:21
  1. katechka
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Çäðàâñòâóéòå! ×åðåç íåäåëþ ñîáèðàþñü ñûíà (2,5 ãîäà), îòïðàâèòü ñ áàáóøêîé â Áåëîðóññèþ â äåðåâíþ. À îí íå ïðèâèò îò ñòîëáíÿêà. Åìó äåëàëè îäíó ÀÊÄÑ â 3 ìåñÿöà, à ïîòîì ïðåêðàòèëè ïðèâèâàòü (ïî ìîåìó ðàçãèëüäÿéñòâó, íå ñîáðàòüñÿ äîéòè äî ïîëèêëèíèêè). À òåïåðü ÿ îáåñïîêîåíà - âåäü â òîé ìåñòíîñòè áûâàëè ñëó÷àè ñòîëáíÿêà. Òàì êðóãîì çåìëÿ, êîðîâû ïàñóòñÿ. Ìîæíî çàðàçèòüñÿ. ×òî äåëàòü? Áåæàòü áûñòðî ïðèâèâàòü? Íî âåäü îäíîé ïðèâèâêè íå õâàòèò. Äà ÿ åùå íå çíàþ, ñòîèò ëè íàêàíóíå ïîåçäêè ïðèâèâàòü ÀÊÄÑ, ìîæåò îí ïëîõî ÷óâñòâîâàòü îò íåå áóäåò. È ÷òî äåëàòü, åñëè îí òàì â äåðåâíå ïîðàíèòñÿ è â çåìëå èçâàëÿåòñÿ? Áåæàòü è äåëàòü ýêñòðåííóþ âàêöèíàöèþ? À âåçäå ëè åå äåëàþò?

    Ïîæàëóéñòà, ïîñîâåòóéòå, ÷òî ìîæíî ñäåëàòü â òàêîé ñèòóàöèè.

  2. Tanya G
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Ïîñòàðàéòåñü ïðîñòî èñêëþ÷èòü êîíòàêò ñ ãðÿçüþ. Èãðà â ïåñî÷íèöå, è ïðî÷åå - ïîä íàäçîðîì âçðîñëûõ. Ñëåäèòå çà ñîñòîÿíèåì öåëîñòíîñòè êîæíûõ ïîêðîâîâ.

    À ïðèâèâàòü â ñïåøíîì ïîðÿäêå - íå ñòîèò. Òåì áîëåå, äåéñòâèòåëüíî, âàêöèíàöèÿ òðåõýòàïíàÿ.

  3. Íàòàëüÿ Ï.
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Æàëü, êîíå÷íî, ÷òî ðåáåíîê ñâîåâðåìåííî íå ïðèâèò è òåïåðü íàõîäèòñÿ ïîä óãðîçîé, êîòîðóþ ìîæíî áûëî èçáåæàòü.

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    Ïðîòèâ äèôòåðèè è êîêëþøà ðåáåíîê åäåò íåçàùèùåííûì òàêæå.

  4. Alon
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Tetanus is an entirely preventable disease; a serum antibody titer of>0.01 U/mL is considered protective. Active immunization should begin in early infancy with combined diphtheria toxoid-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccine at 2, 4, and 6 mo of age, with a booster at 4-6 yr of age and at 10-yr intervals thereafter throughout adult life with tetanus-diphtheria (Td) toxoids. Immunization of women with tetanus toxoid prevents neonatal tetanus, and the World Health Organization is currently engaged in a global elimination of neonatal tetanus campaign through maternal immunization with at least two doses of tetanus toxoid. For unimmunized persons 7 yr of age or older, the primary immunization series consists of three doses of Td toxoid given intramuscularly, with the second given 4-6 wk after the first and the third given 6-12 mo after the second. However, unanticipated mass immunization campaigns in developing countries may rarely provoke a widespread hysterical reaction.

    Tetanus prevention measures after trauma consist of inducing active immunity to tetanus toxin and of passively providing antitoxic antibody. Tetanus prophylaxis is an essential part of all wound management, but specific measures depend on the nature of the injury and the immunization status of the patient. Tetanus toxoid should always be given after a dog or other animal bite, even though C. tetani is infrequently found in canine mouth flora. All nonminor wounds require human TIG except those in a fully immunized patient. In any other circumstances (e.g., patients with an unknown or incomplete immunization history; crush, puncture, or projectile wounds; wounds contaminated with saliva, soil, or feces; avulsion injuries; compound fractures; or frostbite), 250 U of TIG should be given intramuscularly, and 500 U should be given for highly tetanus-prone wounds (i.e., unable to be debrided, with substantial bacterial contamination, or >24 hr old). If TIG is unavailable, then use of human IGIV may be considered. If neither of these products is available, then 3,000-5,000 U of equine- or bovine-derived TAT may be given intramuscularly after testing for hypersensitivity; even at this dose, serum sickness may occur.

    The wound should have immediate, thorough surgical cleansing and debridement to remove foreign bodies and any necrotic tissue in which anaerobic conditions might develop. Tetanus toxoid should be given to stimulate active immunity and may be administered concurrently with TIG (or TAT) if given in separate syringes at widely separated sites. A tetanus toxoid booster (preferably Td) is given to all persons with any wound if their tetanus immunization status is unknown or incomplete. A booster is given to injured persons who have completed their primary immunization series if (1) the wound is clean and minor but >10 yr have passed since the last booster or (2) the wound is more serious and >5 yr have passed since the last booster. With delayed wound care, active immunization should be started at once. Although fluid tetanus toxoid produces a more rapid immune response than the adsorbed or precipitated toxoids, the adsorbed toxoid results in a more durable titer.


    Table 194-1. Tetanus Prophylaxis in Wound Management

    Prior Tetanus Doses ------Clean, Minor Wounds-------- Other Wounds*

    ----------------------------Td†<<?-----TIG‡ ----------Td --------TIG

    Uncertain, or <3-------------Yes -------- No ---------- Yes-------Yes

    Three or more---------------No§? -------- No ---------- No? -------No

    *Such as, but not limited to wounds contaminated with dirt, feces, and saliva; puncture wounds; avulsions; wounds resulting from missiles, crushing, burns, and frostbite; and wounds extending into muscle.

    †For children <7 yr, DTaP or DTP is preferred to tetanus toxoid alone if < 3 doses of DTaP/DTP have been previously given; if pertussis vaccine is contraindicated, DT is given. For persons > 7 yr, Td is preferred to tetanus toxoid alone.

    ‡TIG = tetanus immune globulin. TIG should be administered for tetanusprone wounds in HIV-1-infected patients regardless of the history of tetanus immunizations.

    §Yes, if > 10 yr since the last dose.

    [Verbar]Yes, if > 5 yr since the last dose. (More frequent boosters are not needed and can accentuate adverse events.)

    Adapted from Centers for Disease Control. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis: Recommendations for vaccine use and other preventive measures. Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). MMWR 1991;40(RR-10):1-28.

  5. Íàòàëüÿ Ï.
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Ïî ðóññêè



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  6. katechka
    ×èòàòåëü Íåäóã.Ðó
    Ñïàñèáî çà îòâåòû.

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