Просмотр полной версии : Каролинский университет госпиталя (Стокгольм, Швеция)

09.07.2011, 20:41
Больному впервые сделали пересадку искусственной трахеи

Последнее обновление: пятница, 8 июля 2011 г., 21:57 GMT 01:57 MCK

Шведские хирурги впервые в мире провели операцию по трансплантации синтетической трахеи.
На искусственный орган ученые нарастили материал из стволовых клеток пациента.
При такой технике для трансплантации не требуется донор и специальные медикаменты, а риск отторжения тканей минимален.
Пациентом стал 36-летний выходец из Африки, у которого диагностировали рак дыхательных путей. По словам врачей, сейчас он идет на поправку.
Искусственную трахею изготовили в медицинском исследовательском институте Лондона.
Как рассказывает корреспондент Би-би-си по медицине, в будущем ученые планируют использовать подобную методику при пересадке искусственных артерий, сердечных клапанов и даже кожи.

Би-би-си (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/blq/disclaim3/institutional/-/russian/institutional/links.shtml)


Как утверждает руководитель проекта Паоло Маччиарини, на создание подобной трахеи требуется всего несколько дней, поскольку полимер имеет пористую поверхность, что ускоряет рост клеток.
Операция была проведена еще в начале июня, но только сейчас врачи смогли сказать о ее успехе. Сегодня пациент уже будет выписан из больницы. Его имя не разглашается, известно только то, что это 36-летний мужчина. Использование искусственного каркаса означает, что пациенту не придется дожидаться появления подходящего донора. Это имеет особенно важное значение для лечения детей, которым найти донорский орган намного труднее.


09.07.2011, 22:10

09.07.2011, 23:21
Спасибо, costbor, за полезную и интересную информацию, случайно нашла, тут ссылка - http://costbor.livejournal.com/4033.html

Каролинский инcтитут (Каролински институтет), Стокгольм 2009г.

В своем журнале, я рассказываю о паломничестве на Афон.Но сегодня я хотел бы рассказать о учебе в Швеции этой осенью.
Вообще то я закончил мединститут в начале 90-х годов. Я мечтал быть тихим кабинетным ученым, но не вышло.
Жалеть особо не о чем, я бы скучал по практическим действиям, так что счастье часто нам кажется там, где нас нет.
И вот этой осенью я учился в Каролинском институте, это медицинский университет в Стокгольме.
Я взял обычный аспирантский курс со сдачей настоящего экзамена в конце. Я вообще могу сдавать экзамены. В начале 90-х годов я взял и сдал TOEFL и TWE. Также не боюсь и других экзаменов, так как в своем деле я профессионал. И сильно обижаюсь, когда нас русских, считают неконкурентноспособными.
Моя группа состояла из 16 человек. В ней было около 8 шведок и 8 иностранцев - финка, колумбийка, девушка из Судана (в хитжабе), и еще одна девушка в хитжабе из непонятной мусульманской страны, парень из Шанхая, еще один из Индии, турок и я.
Обучение вели около 15 профессоров из Швеции и Финляндии. Было интересно, хотя моей целью было проверить свои знания.
тема была посвящена применению новых технологий в медицине.
В конце октября Стокгольм встретил пасмурной, но довольно теплой погодой...

Уезжал домой (в смысле до отеля) на такой красивой электричке..
Вообще учится хорошо, экзамен казался непростым, но тем и лучше...
Хотелось бы, что бы и в России снова была бы наука.

10.07.2011, 00:22

11.07.2011, 08:44
КАРОЛИ́НСКИЙ ИНСТИТУ́Т (швед. Karolinska Institutet), специализированное медицинское высшее учебное заведение, находится в Стокгольме (см. СТОКГОЛЬМ), Швеция (см. ШВЕЦИЯ). Основан в 1810.
Институт располагается на территории трех университетских городков: на территории Каролинской больницы в северной части Стокгольма, в пригородах Сольна и Худдинге. В Стокгольме располагаются следующие отделения: клинической неврологии, медицины, молекулярной медицины, онкологии и патологии, здравоохранения, хирургических наук, здоровья женщины и ребенка. В Сольне находятся отделения клеточной и молекулярной биологии; педагогики, информатики, менеджмента и этики; медицинской биохимии и биофизики; эпидемиологии; микробиологии; неврологии; физиологии и фармакологии. В Худдинге разместились отделения биологических наук; клинической медицины; медицинского питания; медицины; микробиологии, патологии и иммунологии; стоматологии; старшего медицинского персонала; исследовательский центр хирургических наук, центр клинических исследований; научно-исследовательская лаборатория.
Институт был основан в 1810 как Медицинско-хирургический институт. Первоначальной задачей института была подготовка армейских хирургов. В 1817 институт получил прибавку Каролинский в честь шведского короля Карла XIII. С 1822 — современное название. Комитет из числа профессоров института выбирает претендента на Нобелевскую премию по физиологии или медицине.
Профессором Каролинского института был Йенс Якоб Берцелиус (см. БЕРЦЕЛИУС Йенс Якоб), здесь учились и преподавали Карл Густав Мосандер (см. МОСАНДЕР Карл Густав), Аксель Хуго Т. Теорелль (см. ТЕОРЕЛЛЬ Аксель Хуго Теодор) (Нобелевская премия, физиология, 1955), Рагнар Гранит (см. ГРАНИТ Рагнар) (Нобелевская премия, физиология, 1967), Ульф фон Эйлер (см. ЭЙЛЕР Ульф фон) (Нобелевская премия, физиология, 1955), Торстен Н. Визел (см. ВИЗЕЛ Торстен Нильс) (Нобелевская премия, физиология, 1981), Суне Бергстрем (см. БЕРГСТРЕМ Суне) (Нобелевская премия, физиология, 1982).
В 2005 в Каролинском институте обучалось приблизительно 10 тыс студентов, работало 3,5 тыс преподавателей и научных сотрудников.

13.10.2014, 14:18
Уважаемые господа, здравствуйте!
Идея работы которую Вы рекомендовали на Нобелевскую премию по номинации Медицина и физиология в 2014 году " Роли гиппокампа в процессе ориентации человека в пространстве" принадлежит мне. Она впервые была опубликована под названием "Эмансипация и современность" в 2002 году г.Винница, Украина.её ISBN 966-621-107-6. Её копия:
MALYSHEV Alexander Viсtorovych

The teaching of non-adequate perception in psychology
(Emancipation and the present time)
Опубликована в Издательстве «Винница», г. Винница, Украина,
2002 г., ISBN 966-621-107-6

When considering the problem of difference between man and woman psychology as regards ‘Standard algorithm of cosmic technology’ it seems that the Universe created the living nature according to its image and likeness. The algorithm of the Universe is in the fact that the Universe synthesizes a planet, and the planet synthesizes life with the help of the Universe. The properties of the Universe are reflected in manhood, and the properties of planets in womanhood. This contains more convincing explanation of man generosity and special features of woman’s psychology.

The problem of woman’s part in the life of society and their equality in the political activity is one of the important problems. In other words, the problem of woman emancipation has been settled de jure, but de facto both men and women are not satisfied with its present results. This contradiction challenges scientists to clarify the situation present resulting in the search and penetration in the nature of manhood and womanhood.
Giving critical analysis to the existing conceptions the following is noteworthy.
In the ancient time, according to Plato triple beings, androgens, were split into two equal parts creating the beings that differed only in sexual distinctions – men and women.
In Christianity, God created man and woman from the earth according to his image and likeness, who differed only in sexual distinctions. Though God created a wife from Adam’s rib, which is, to some extent, a sign of man superiority, nevertheless she was made according to God’s image and likeness., even from the rib.
In Darwin’s evolution, the life was created from one cell through variability, heredity and natural selection, which brought to the formation of man from ape. The development of man and woman functions was a result of socialization: man developed his power quality because he was a hunter and warrior; woman-mother took care of children and had to keep the household, which developed her qualities of a diplomat and housekeeper and affected her playing a ‘second part’
Analyzing this trend it can be noted that during the history of mankind the adequacy of the origin of men and women was a component of unity in the science. And this was a basic material of accumulation of the amount of the gender relations problem in the process of accumulation of amounts of the progress of human relations. At the present, both in the West and the CIS republics there is a stable tendency of increasing investigation of this problem. This, for example, can be illustrated by the fact that a number of most interesting books on the issue were published recently. Some of these books are as follows: Simon de Bouvoir “The second sex”; “The change of woman situation and the family”. Collection of articles. Moscow.1977; “Women in the society: realities, problems, forecasts”. Romashevskaya, Posadovskaya, Zhukova. 1991; The introduction to the gender theory”. Edited by I.*Zherebkin; “The feminism: East,West, Russia”. 1993. Moscow; Sheneleva L.T. “The woman and the society: declaration and reality”. Moscow.1990.”Read my desire” I. Zherebkina; “The equality of women and men in Ukraine: legal aspects”. The materials of the international scientific and practical conference of Ukraine, Kiev; “The woman: self-actualization in the family and the society: gender aspect”, Lavrinenko N.V. 1999.Kiev; and , finally “The philosophy and psychology of a sex”, N. Khamitov, 2001, Kiev. There are new special words appeared in the scientific vocabulary, for instance, a gender, egalitarian relations, the ideology of masculinity, the method of positive discrimination. In addition, more and more gender research centers are opened recently. The government passes legislative decisions facilitating to solve the gender balance problems, one of which, for instance, is the ratification of the UN Convention “On liquidation of all forms of discrimination against women” by Ukraine in 1980. This also proves the fact that this is an international concern. It should also be taken in consideration that this problem is more than 2,5 thousand years old, and it is known already as an “eternal problem”. In other words, the gravity of the problem became critical, and it should be settled neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow, but now. If we are going to settle the problem using the same methodology of “the stronger sex oppresses the weaker sex”, then it is most likely that the process of perception will contribute to dichotomy.
Therefore it is apparent that one should look for the reason not in the fact that women are oppressed by men (just look at these bad gentlemen – they present flowers to women, pay compliments, and what they do actually), but that women don’t obtain up to now the recognition in production and political activity. After all, this problem is so old that it could be possible to settle disagreements, but it still virgin like an innocent bride.
It can be noted that women are not elected to political structures of power not because men put obstacles deliberately, but because voters don’t cast their votes for them. And this sounds fairly.
Supporting the social justice one can’t overlook the fact that the peculiar feature of the women’ psychology is their unpredictable behavior. And one can’t say that this quality is adopted in the socialization process, which allows us to assume that the nature of the origin of man’s and woman’s psychology is not adequate.
Summarizing the section of critical analysis of the existing conceptions it should be noted that in order to settle the problem it is necessary to revise in general the origin paradigm of manhood and womanhood.
In order to solve the problem it is proposed to assume as an antithesis that if the life structure on the planet is non-trivial, then it should mean that the structure of the Universe’s creator is also non-trivial.
We know from the book “Is the synthesis of the eclectic philosophy possible?” that there is a standard project of the biological system in the Universe, which is implemented into life according to the rule “Everything or nothing”.
Thus, guided by the teaching of agnosticism and the principle of economy of thinking of E. Mach, let’s try to probe into the philosophy and to understand the phrase: the life of the Universe is created according to its image and likeness.
It is known from the earth life that each organism normally has two components: the outer (body, arms, head, skin, ears, nose, mouth) providing the connection of the organism with nature, and the inner (heart, lungs, liver, bowels, blood, which are called in this way- internal organs) providing processing of the nature products and functioning of the outer component. They are interconnected and correlated, the outer component is open and is easy to comprehend while the inner one is secretive and complicated for comprehension. Proceeding with this idea we can state that the Universe is outer and inner components. The outer component organizes the whole macro system, i.e. performs all the processes related to the celestial mechanics and the synthesis of planets, i.e. the preparation of planets for the synthesis of life and keeping up the life synthesis on planets. The inner component is a capability of planets to synthesize life with an immediate involvement of the outer component.
The given algorithm is tarnsformed into the life structure on planets both in image and likeness. The main qualities of the outer component are represented in manhood, and the main qualities of the inner component in womanhood. But the outer-manhood and inner-womanhood are a combinations in some of which alongside with the common feature (physiology and psychology) the qualities of outer-manhood or inner-womanhood dominate.
The qualities of the outer component are as follows: to provide the order in the Universe according to the laws of the celestial mechanics and synthesize life according to the laws of quantum mechanics, and accordingly manhood – the social order and synthesis of the material things to secure life.
The qualities of the inner component are as follows: to provide the immediate synthesis of life with a direct involvement of the laws of the outer component of the Universe, and accordingly womanhood – the synthesis of life with a direct involvement of manhood.
The composition of the human brain which governing his behavior in the society can be divided into two main sections: cerebral frontal lobe (in Latin - lobus frontalis cerebri) and hippocampus (gippocampus). Lobus frontalis cerebri define the mechanism of a long-term memory and, accordingly, provide the higher psychic human functions, i.e. provide the ethic part of a human behavior in the society. Gippocampus defines the mechanisms of a short-term memory and, accordingly, provide the mechanisms of psychic properties of life itself.
The cell of lobus frontalis cererbri is the most complex organization in the whole brain structure. If it would be possible to study the cell, then one could see in it the structure of the Universe. This is the most complex organization in the world. Their number provides in direct proportion ethic behavior of man in the society. The more their number is, the more are obligations of man towards the society, and vice versa. Now comes the most important. Since this cell reflects the Universe structure, it can be referred to the outer system of the Universe (the order in the Universe is the order in the society).
The hippocampus cell is also complex when compared with the other cells of the human brain. Since in all appearances it reflects only the personal interests, its structure when compared with the cells of lobus frontalis cerebri is a factor lower. This allows to note that this cell is referred to the inner system of the Universe (synthesis of life itself and the least concern about the problems both in the Universe and in other maternal families).
But man is a combination of the outer and inner controlling components, which results in the prevalence of the qualities of one component with the presence of the qualities of the other component in subjects of different sexes. For instance, men have more qualities of the outer component, which are basically strength and maturity of the higher psychic functions, but alongside with it they also have the qualities of the inner component: life, sensations, death. Women have more qualities of the inner component, which are capability to the synthesis of life, more love to biological life, but at the same time they have the qualities of the outer component: strength, maturity of the higher psychic functions (in less degree). The outer and inner controlling components (man and woman) make up the one system. And this contains a decoding of the phrase “life in the Universe is made according to its image and likeness”.
With this philosophy let’s try to imagine the way the conventional life is looked upon by the subjects as regards the prevalence of those or other qualities.
Above everything it should be mentioned that subconsciousness of men and women have the “All or nothing” algorithm of normality from the Universe. Men see in it the following: “I provide a stable action of the laws and make a planet for the synthesis of life, and the rest is done by the planet itself with my immediate involvement”. Women think: “All necessary should be secured by the Highest, and when all is ready (the planet mass can hold the atmosphere, all the chemical elements, heat and light) I’ll join the life synthesis with His immediate participation.
It seems that this contains the fundamentals of instincts of men and women’s pride and the whole dominant of difference between man and woman’s psychology.
Now let’s imagine what are the fundamentals of jealousy and attraction of wealth collect.
Every man is a subject of the Universe, and he has in his subconsciousness information that he is the only Adam in the whole world, and the women as subjects of planets belong only to him. And woman Eve sees in herself the only planet, and that’s why all the subjects of the Universe belong only to her. And as to the wealth, the Highest synthesizes them in order to synthesize life while the planet “thinks” that all the wealth belong only to her for synthesizing life. Giving a scientific basis to this teaching it should be noted that the following examples could be called as a basis for scientific reasons testifying in the favor of its truth.

The psychological aspect

It’s more typical to men rather than to women to be inclined to take up global problems, which witnesses to the high complexity of a long-term memory. What about acting as an advocate of social justice, posing as an altruist, giving up wealth collect to women? All this has something in common with the function of the outer component of the Universe.
It’s more typical to women rather than to men to take care of their posterity and relatives. Also, the instinct of self-preservation is better developed in women rather than in men, women have better olfactory and tactile qualities, which witness to the high cognitive complexity of a short-term memory, they have more of egoism and egocentrism, craving for wealth is much higher than in men. As to craving for wealth it should be noted that this quality can be seen not only in women, but also in female wild world. For instance, it was noted that she-dogs are better in defending the articles of their owners than he-dogs. The same can be said about maternity both in women and in wild animals: more concern about their posterity as compared with men and their “colleagues” in the wild world. All this has something in common with the function of the inner component.
N. Lavrynenko also says about the elements of the cultural and symbolic serials: manhood-rational-spiritual-divine-cultural; womanhood-sensible-corporal-materially-minded-natural”.
The results of American sociologists investigating the stereotypes of manhood and womanhood maintain the same when they asked their students to call the words and phrases which in their opinion are used by most Americans to describe men and women:
Characteristic features of men are as follows:
1. strong, inclined to sports
2. little concern about his appearance
3. acts as his family breadwinner
4. has sexual experience
5. lacks emotions, feels firm
6. logical, rational, impartial, advanced intellect
7. aspires after power and leadership
8. active
9. aspires after success, ambitious

Characteristic features of women are as follows:
1. weak, not inclined to sports
2. takes care of about her appearance
3. demonstrates affection towards her family
4. virtuous
5. emotional, tender
6. light-minded, illogical, gifted with intuition
7. dependent, needs protection to a high degree
8. passive
9. timid, bashful

The physiological aspect

The potential capacities of the outer component of the Universe are firmly unlimited, i.e. the total of the nature laws act all the time and doesn’t depend on any circumstances, and this means that it always can synthesize life. In a man’s physiology one can observe a figurative analogy which is in the fact that a man’s organism has a potential to make a copulation (to become a parent) during his lifetime. The potential capacities of the inner component of the Universe system are time limited, i.e. life on planets is limited within the rule of “All or nothing” if there is a planet mass which is capable to withstand the atmosphere, all the chemical elements, optimal heat and light, then life will continue. And if something is missing that means there is no life. There is also a figurative analogy in women’s physiology: the capability for life synthesis within a month is limited by menstrual period, and the capability for life synthesis within the lifetime is limited by menopause.
The procedure proposed for the problem solving fits in the laws of the development dialectics.
The component of unity is in the fact that men and women’s organisms were created in the nature at the same time. And the component of variability is in the fact that the Universe is not trivial and so the psychology of men and women were initially formed in a different way.
Thus, with the components of unity and variability in the procedure suggested, it can be asserted that its structure fits in the law of the development dialectics of negation of negation.
The development of interosculation of the current opposing forces provides the unity of society in a qualitatively new view, which determines the growth and self-development of the social system. This corresponds to the dialectics law of “unity and struggle of the opposites”.
The transition of the social system from one condition into an advanced one sounds as regards the law of the development dialectics “transition of quantitative changes into qualitative and vice versa”.
The procedure suggested will facilitate solving the gender problem of the society, and this means the advancement of the nature and the level of the production relations, which will make them meet the pattern and the level of the development of the productive forces; this will further the growth of the economics formation of the society according to the widely current sociological development law of “correspondence of the pattern and the level of the development of productive forces”. The growth of the economics formation of the society will facilitate the development of the social balance of the society.
The scientific novelty of the above suggested is in the fact that it is for the first time that the attempt to destroy the set scientific stereotype that man and woman were created under the similar conditions. Besides, they make an attempt to prove that the Universe is not trivial. The nature is amazingly complicated and profoundly expedient. If it is so, then why not to suppose that the nature of origin of man and woman is not a primitive rubber-stamp as it was considered until now, but is also non-trivial. And the assumed existence of the Universe algorithm - the outer control – manhood, and the inner one – womanhood – is a key to solving this problem.
Analyzing the above said it can be asserted that when considering the specific features of the man and woman psychology as regards the procedure proposed, we can give the most clear explanation of the nature of their specific features. Let’s have a more thorough look at them.
Manhood –rational, spiritual, divine, cultured. The specific character of the nature of the man’s psychology is in the fact that the Universe’s outer control unit assigned much larger frontal lobes of cerebral cortex to manhood as compared with womanhood, but at the same time much smaller cerebral cortex of hippocampus.
It is natural to the Universe’s control unit to provide the structural order of the planets in the outer space by means of the heavenly mechanics. It (the Universe’s control unit) is a supervisor of the order determined by the law of the Universe. This algorithm of the Universe was transformed in the structure of man’s psychology, and is run in the social environments by frontal lobes of cortex of cerebrum. The structure of frontal lobes of cortex of cerebrum facilitates the capability of high differentiation and complexity of those which is related to the social life, i.e. to a lesser extent to the biological life. From this it follows: strong, inclined to sports activity, little care for appearance, acts as his family breadwinner, has a sexual experience, lacks emotions, steadfast, logical, rational, unbiased, has a developed intellect, strives after power and leadership, active, anxious for success, ambitious. In other words, it is natural to men to be impartial in the issues connected with a short-term memory (nutrition, clothes, colors, parenthood), and advanced sense as for the issues related to a long-term memory, i.e. global issues (social justice, social culture, rationality, spirituality.
Womanhood: sensible, corporal, materially-minded, natural. Though alongside with this: 1.eternal womanhood, sanctuary, and angel. These qualities in women are developed due to the fact that the total of the nature laws making up the inner component concentrated fully on the maturity of a hippocampus. The structure of the hippocampus brain provides the capability of high differentiation and complexity of all which is connected with the immediate biological life, i.e. to a lesser degree of the social life. From this high beauty of the exterior form was created, about which a poet said: “A maiden on the rock is prettier than waves, heavens and storms”. And high subtlety of all senses–smell, touch, hearing, sight and intuition, which made woman to feel all the natural things closely and clearly. Nature is her element. That’s why the following qualities are better developed in women than in men: sincerity; a capability to discern and create the color spectrum of harmony; a capability to discern delicately gustatory of foodstuff; a capability to love life (this is an answer to why you can’t get at mother-in-law); a higher intuition; excessive craving for wealth; and finally higher paternity qualities.
Woman (planet) in the Universe feels herself independent, from the one hand, and from the other hand, connected continuously with the outer space. Here comes in unison the words of a writer about woman’s view of her freedom: “I want freedom and love, the freedom all of you talk about and give nobody. I want to love or not to love, or to stop loving of my own free will, or let it be my whim, but not by yours. I’m ready to give the right I ask for myself. I’m told that I’m nice and that the beauty makes you responsible. And I’ m not going to hide my beauty as a miser. Admire my beauty, take it! Did I refuse someone who showed his earnest will to possess me? But why do you want to make me your property and to appropriate my beauty to yourself? When I get free from the chains, you call me “madam Butterfly” and as the last argument you shoot at your heart! Or I’m completely stupid or got mad or it is the greatest injustice in the world passing through centuries. All men stretch their hands to woman shouting: “I want you, but you should belong only to me and nobody else, otherwise you are a criminal. And everyone feels sure that he has all rights for every woman, and has no rights for herself”.
Weininberg notes:”Did anybody make a sexual intercourse thinking that he must prevent the death of the mankind?”. And the following:”It is not said so far where one should look for the basis of woman’s slavery submission: in a majestic, worshipped power of man’s phallus”.
Any man as well as woman when performing a sexual intercourse thinks about prevention of the death of the humankind in the same way as the Universe “thinks” about the synthesis of life in the outer space. The erotic last is a property given to man from the Universe. We can even call a mechanical property. A planet created by the Universe is assigned with a mechanical rule “All or nothing” according to which woman (a planet) is assigned with the right of choice of the conditions when to start the synthesis of life. And that’s why woman’s consciousness has an instinct of love of freedom and the right of choice. and at the same time of continuous desire and readiness for the synthesis. As to the considerations to prevent the death of the mankind, it is a post-copulation and from the area of the social philosophy which doesn’t exist in the mechanical Universe.
2. Woman-demon, prophet “Oh, women, treachery is a name for you!”. These qualities can be summarized as a maximalism. It’s nature can be interpreted in the following way. The psychology of man is a combination of manhood (universal) and womanhood (planetary). The man’s psychology has more of manhood (universal), though womanhood qualities are also present. And as for the woman psychology, it has more of planetary though universal qualities are also present. The women qualities are the qualities of hippocampus (short - term memory). And the men qualities are the qualities of frontal lobes of cerebrum, of higher psychic functions (long-term memory). What is the mechanism of thinking like? This is a result of combination of the nature laws in the srtucture of connections of the brain cells. In everyday situations, the brain takes a decisions depending on which group of brain cells prevails. If the cells of hippocampus brain prevail, then the decision is taken on the level of the short-term memory. And if the cells of frontal lobes of the brain prevail, then the higher psychic functions prevail – the social ethics, morality. According to this teaching proposed women has more hippocampus cells prevail, and hence decisions of the level of short-term memory prevail. This lies in the basis of woman maximalism and egotism.
Considering the woman psychology in the view of the above said we can explain the nature of woman behavior:
1. why do women undress at public without being bashful;
2. why do women have poorly developed reflexion and gestalt-psychology;
3. why do women have phenomenal sincerity and phenomenal capability for reincarnation;
4. why do women have higher inclination to wealth;
5. why do women are less concerned about social problems;
6. why do women have poor sense of orientation in the social environments (it means why do women give wrong directions when asked to show the way to go somewhere);
7. why do women keep together on a personal basis without taking into consideration the principle of social justice;
8. why are women cautious when taking decisions both in private and production activities;

Also, why is a woman weak, not inclined to sports; takes care of her appearance; show close interest to her family; benevolent; emotional, tender; light-minded, illogical, gifted with intuition, dependent, needs protection to large degree; inactive; timid, bashful.
The answer to all these “why” is in the following: her hippocampus is larger than in men, and frontal lobes of the brain are smaller, which determines the specific feature of psychological orientation.
With this explanation of the specific woman psychology we can try to produce an answer for the question asked by professor N. Lavrynenko: “An interesting feature of women organizations is a common feature for all countries – women less than men-public figure value their labor for the good of the society. As a rule, they don’t keep documented information about their work and are reluctant to write memoirs”. The answer to this question is in the fact that women in production relations are more concerned about their private life (hippocampus dominates) and in the lesser degree about production activity. And men write memoirs because they are more concerned about their production problems and in lesser degree about their private life (frontal lobes of the brain dominate).
So, with the above explanation on difference between man and woman psychologies we can say that their main difference is that perception of the social life and understanding their role in it is not adequate. Man psychology sees its role in production and command, and woman psychology in consumption of the produced and the synthesis of life. Proceeding from this it is suggested to call this teaching as “the teaching of non-adequate perception in psychology”.
It is difficult to say what would be the attitude of Z.Freid to this teaching, in any way, there is an attempt made to probe deeper and present more correlated information about difference between man and woman psychology. This allows to answer one of the main questions of gender research, which is in the fact that woman turned out to be on the second roles not because men oppressed them, but because their weakness was motivated by the Universe’s project. Her weakness as well as man strength was formed with the DNA
Code from the beginning of life.
Though to call it a teaching would be too bold. For it to become a teaching, more substantial scientific reasons of its truth are required. It is based for the most part on elementary experience and imaginary modeling of the writer as hypothesis. Though as it seems in the process of scientific investigation of the problem decision, it could vociferously call itself as an antithesis.
The importance of the proposed for the national economy is that the society will develop most transparent teaching on difference between man and woman psychologies. It has an important methodological role in solving the problem of gender relations in the family, production , society control and big scale policy.
With clear understanding of the psychologies nature, the society will be able to develop more differentiated procedure for the personnel selection. The experience of the society development proves for the most part that success of a company doesn’t depend on its leader –man or woman, but on the intellectual potential of the leader.
This teaching has an important role in the sphere of the social philosophy, and especially in improvement of the methodology of person-to-person relations between men and women in their private life. Thus, for instance, it appears that the system of judicial settlements between man and woman should be improved. It is more likely that there should be more stress on careful investigation of the issue in order to avoid judicial mistakes. Basic elements of the experience state that men show much respect and attention to women in most cases. And as regards the opposite relation it is most likely that the balance is observed in the lesser degree. It is men who are carriers of the social ethics and reformatory tendencies in the society, and by winning over them they work towards the destruction of the society.
Summarizing the above said it can be noted that considering the problem of difference of the psychology of manhood and womanhood in the view of “standard algorithm of cosmic technology” we can see that the Universe created the living nature according to its image and likeness. The algorithm of the Universe is in the fact that the Universe synthesizes the planet, and the planet synthesizes life with help of the Universe. The properties of the Universe are reflected in manhood, and the properties of the planet in womanhood. Here lies more substantial explanation of the nature of man graciousness and the specific feature of woman psychology.


1. A. Malyshev “Is the synthesis of the eclectic philosophy possible?”. Informacion Filosfica, Rome, No.2. 2005.
2. N. Lavrynenko “Woman: self-realization in the family and society” (the gender aspect)”. Kiev 1999, p.19.
3. V. Bryusov “Novels and short stories”, “The last pages of the woman diary”, 1983, p.160, Moscow.
4. O.Weininger “The sex and the nature”, Moscow, 1992, p.p.381-383. N. Lavrynenko “Woman: self realization in the family and society (the gender aspect)”, Kiev, 1999, p.52

Автор: Малышев Александр Викторович
Место работы: Винницкий социологичесий центр «ПРОМЕТЕЙ»
Должность: Директор.
Адрес: г. Сызрань, Самарской обл., ул. Комарова 10 кв 111, РФ.
Е-mail: wmelcoyw@mail.ru Тел.: 710 906 3392980

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