Просмотр полной версии : Leanness

06.10.2005, 00:02
With detsva thin. Family on Mother too thin. Nevertheless I try to type or collect weight. I shall be very grateful, if you prompt any not banal food stuffs which should be included or switched on in a ration? Or can eat any other methods.

06.10.2005, 15:45
It is ready pomenjattsja. I shall give the superfluous 15 kg.

12.10.2005, 09:38
Use albuminous nutrition, it is possible or probable even admixtures. It will not put or render harm. More radical method - to use anabolic steroids - these preparations give the big gain of muscular mass in short term. But to use them it is possible only to destination the doctor, in a correct dosage, as preparations serious. I would risk to advise metandienon. In its or his advantage or benefit speaks that fact, that in the USSR the preparation was on sale in drugstores without the prescription... It was used for improvement of appetite of children and even pregnant women zhenshchy. By-effects are extremely rare even at abusing sportsmen. In a week it is possible to type or collect on itself up to 5-8 kilogram. Success!