Просмотр полной версии : Hormones and superfluous pilosis

04.01.2005, 06:56
People! Who can knows or experience in it or this is - what hormone is responsible for a pilosis at women there where it or him should not be (I mean a breast, a line under a belly-button, at whom that short moustaches).

In fact this all is abnormal. Or it can with shchitovidkoj problems. It would be desirable to understand koordinalno. Simply I do not know from what to begin.

Me personally disturb voloski on a breast. Before them was not much - with 10. And now them nearby 60. Same horror.

To tomuzhe from one bulb grow often on neskolku.

I think, that is clear - a forceps it is a problem will not solve.

One trouble. I certainly their forceps tear out, but:

1) they vrostajut is inconveniently and unpleasantly - but it is solved basically

2) non-uniformly vylazjat on a surface - as a result places a kind of "bristle". Here also I think, can better voloski let will, than a bristle?

24.02.2005, 06:48
And can clarify to try? For example peroxide? They navernaja become more thin also more fragile....

11.04.2005, 03:53
And about the doctor of the endocrinologist you heard nothing? To begin it would be necessary just from it or him. In innete in search engines type or collect a word "endocrinology" and To find. Infy it will much be found, though on the same "doktor.ru". By the way there and a question immediately to the expert to set it is possible.

The girl
20.05.2005, 04:34
Heard about the endocrinologist.

I have handed over all hormones - like normal.

In this reception I shall ask particularly - about this pilosis.

Mozhe will tell or say that.

The most ridiculous-Testosteron-Depotum at me in norm or rate)

And female hormones too.

And more 2 man's hormones (Prolactinum and DEAS) - too in norm or rate.

Intnresno to learn or find out, can ktoto already solved such problems, just through the endocrinologist.

26.05.2005, 13:19
The endocrinologist most likely will not help or assist, at some women simply hypersensibility to man's hormones, certainly not at women), and at their hair bulbs.

I to such hair have made an electroepilation somewhere 4 years ago, the truth went time three in 3-4 months.

25.06.2005, 21:09
Dinar, Prolactinum - cleanly female hormone)) you, probably, meant a hydrocortisone. In general, really, there is a superfluous pilosis and without hormonal problems. But is better try the doctor. Will tell to us then, well?

Olga K
02.07.2005, 09:45
For all this respond garmony, Prolactinum of the general or common as well as a hydrocortisone has no anything. Garmon a hydrocortisone when it is raised or increased it something not vporjadke with kidneys; Prolactinum-it or -this;-thus female garmon, from it or him hair do not grow.

In all Testosteron-Depotum at whom he above norm or rate that start hair to grow on a breast, to a beard is guilty... voobshchem where it is not necessary.

08.07.2005, 04:25
Tropikana, excess of Testosteron-Depotum can be developed or produced both ovaries, and adrenals about what will just speak rising a hydrocortisone and deas. Earlier in this occasion handed over urine on 17 or 17, now like more exact would recognize analyses of a blood.

14.07.2005, 05:53
In connection with a similar problem to me naznali the analysis of a blood on

17-OH-Pg (oksiprogesteron, it it seems). It is developed or produced by adrenals. Like, he is responsible for the raised or increased pilosis, etc. But any case, consultation of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is necessary.

17.07.2005, 22:48
As that I do not believe in OK against a pilosis. You will stop to drink - and will be too most, and even is even worse.

So to Diana-35 has a rest.

As though on the contrary hormonal shift to not receive.

Many thanks for aiming or adjustment on hormones

" 17-OH-Pg (oksiprogesteron, it it seems) "!!

I shall necessarily try the endocrinologist.

And as thanks for explanations in occasion of a hydrocortisone, Prolactinum and Deas, from it or this it is already possible to make a start in conversation with the endocrinologist and to try it or him with predilection!!

I shall necessarily inform - that then will be)

18.07.2005, 03:37
*icirc; *ograve; *Auml; *egrave; *agrave; *iacute; *aring;-35, *acirc; *agrave; *ntilde; *eth; *agrave; *ccedil; *iacute; *aring; *ntilde; *aring; *ograve; *ecirc; *egrave; *euml; *icirc; *iacute; *agrave; 10, *iuml; *eth; *icirc; *ntilde; *ograve; *egrave; *ograve; *aring;

18.07.2005, 08:18
ESTEEM about a preparation to Diana-35 - he is just shown at such problems