Просмотр полной версии : Heredity at Diabetum

06.07.2005, 07:53

At my guy mum is sick of Diabetum. What probability of its or his transfer or predilection to it or him;them to children. And if is how to reveal at pregnancy a pathology. What way of life for kiddies, that predilection not pererosla in illness or disease?

In advance thanks!


10.07.2005, 22:20
High probability of development of a diabetes mellitis at the child in case:
- Both of the parent suffer a diabetes mellitis
- If a diabetes mellitis at mother
From the father the diabetes mellitis is passed very seldom.
For exception of any pathology of a carbohydrate exchange at pregnancy on term of 25-28 weeks, it is necessary to make oral gljukozotolerantnyj the test (OGTT) with 100 g glucoses or on any duration of gestation at rising a level of Saccharum of a blood above norm or rate.
At presence of hereditary predisposition to Diabetum at children, it is desirable to exclude sweet products (sweets, shokoload, etc.) from a food allowance.

Yours faithfully, doctor-endocrinologist Mitin Irina Alekseevna.