Просмотр полной версии : Dosage of a L-thyroxine during the postoperative period

01.06.2005, 18:56

In March, 2004 to me operation - subtotal resection SHCHZH has been made at the diagnosis not nodal diffusive or diffuse toxic struma recurring during 10 years. The attending physician recommended operation - Grineva E.N.operation was spent on a background of Mercazolilum of an euthyroidism reached or achieved by reception. All has passed or has taken place well, without complications, now state of health good, nothing disturbs. The appointed or nominated replaceable therapy - a L-thyroxine 12,5 daily. The Check analysis on November, 29th 2005 (laboratory of clinic of the Russian Academy of Science on Toreza, 72, *quot; Axsym*quot;, Abbot, USA) has shown following results:

TT3_MAb 1.00 ng/mL (N=0.79-1.49)

Total T4 4.90 ug/dL (N=4.50-12.00)

TSH_3GEN 5.763uIU/mL (N=0.470-4.640) high

Question in the following: whether Is in my case slightly raised or increased level TTG norm or rate or I should correct a dose of a L-thyroxine?

I ask to respond Elena Nikolaevnu Grinevu or its or her colleagues.

:) In any case, Elena Nikolaevne intimate or cardiac greetings and the best regards.

24.06.2005, 15:02
Responds kollega-E.N. Greetings, a dose to increase up to 50 mkg, to Elena Nikolaevne to come in two months after augmentation of a dose.

26.06.2005, 14:53
Dear Galina Afanasevna,

Many thanks for the answer. Excuse, that it has forgotten to be presented - Marina Lepin, 38 years. Now I shall follow to your references. Please, respond, whether to do or make in two months the control of all three hormones or enough one TTG? If three are necessary all, 3 4 - *quot; ?oin?UN*quot; or *quot; iU?N*quot;?

It is in advance grateful.

28.06.2005, 11:22
The control of adequacy of treatment gipotiroza is carried out on level TTG. The purpose in a range 0, 5 2, 5 honey \l (at us about it or this it is much written).

In practical activities there can be a necessity of research over 4, at the control over treatment gipotiroza there is no necessity to look 3.

28.06.2005, 18:16
I thank you, Galina Afanasevna,

It seems, the subject for mena while is settled or exhausted.

To in total you of the best!