Просмотр полной версии : AIT 3 items

07.09.2004, 15:45
Hello! My name is Irina, me 30. Thanks you huge for your help and for your work. I too address to you for the help. In 2003 at me was disturbance of job of a thyroid gland is revealed. I have made analyses (07/2003), the sizes the following: a lion. 2,3, the rights. 2,4, per. 0,6. I have spent on drink about one year Mercazolilum and anaprilin, felt fine, the beginnings with 6 tab., have finished 2. Then suddenly began grow stout strongly, was frightened and has stopped to drink. In 3 months has addressed to the doctor, results the following: a lion. 2,7, right 2,9, an isthmus 1,0, tjazhistost, ehogennost it is lowered due to sites lowered ehogennosti. Did or made US in two places-in to usual hospital where the new equipment is established or installed, and in honey. The center paid, did or made there for the first time. In hospital have told or said, that sites are not present. In honey. The center the girl, a cat. Did or made US, diagnosed, reading honey. The directory, has told or said, that there that that sites, and all is somehow spotted, has diagnosed *quot; u?NO?a??n*quot;. Hormones handed over in Invitro: -0,016 (0,4-4,0), 4. 59,1 (10-22), ATTPO *gt; 1000 (0,35). My doctor has appointed or nominated again 6 tablets of Mercazolilum, speaks, that if there are no sites, to operate it is not necessary. What will you advise? Thanks!

14.09.2004, 23:52
Irina, at AIT does not happen degrees, tirotoksikoz which occasionally happens at AIT in klassicheskoi comprehension of this term, the term *quot does not last more than 3 mes; a hyperplasia *quot; it is inappropriate both at US, and in the diagnosis, the girls doing or making with US, should not diagnose, it will be much better, if they will inform the patient volume of a thyroid gland..

And in the dry rest - at you a diffusive or diffuse toxic struma (illness or disease Grejvsa - Bazedova, DTZ) which recurred after in general of correctly spent treatment. In itself DTZ in the majority of patients causes depression of mass of a body (in parallel destroying or blasting heart, bones and a brain, but now not about it or this), therefore its or his liquidation at the saved diet and decrease of physical activity conducts to an increase of mass of a body.

BUT year - quite decent term, and, be the nature for YOU, you would have long (probably, lifelong) remission (disappearance or eradication of displays of disease).

At you - relapse after provdennogo reasonable treatment, now a choice between operation with preliminary preparation and a radioactive iodine (it is possible without preparation, the main thing - that at the moment was not pregnancy).

Esteem all about DTZ on our site TIRONET for patients.

08.05.2005, 10:28
Hello! Thanks big for the answer. I would like to specify in occasion of treatment. The attending physician spoke me, that not finished the cure DTZ gives always relapse, very much me abused. I in fact have stopped to drink tablets itself, without acknowledgement or confirmation by analyses and US that it is possible to stop treatment.

And more. How it is reflected on shchitovidke an abortion by a hormonal preparation (Mifegin)? Pregnancy was about 6 weeks. Analyses have been made during pregnancy.

10.05.2005, 23:18
The general or common duration of treatment DTZ - 12-18 mes (some researchers consider or count expedient 24 months, but such more lesser or ever less). During treatment the level of hormones (preimushchestveno over 4) and volume of a gland is supervised. Treatment is carried out or only under the scheme or plan *quot; block *quot; - i.e. use tirostatiki, or under the scheme or plan *quot; Block and replace *quot; - i.e. use tirostatiki and a thyroxine.

In an ideal to the termination or ending of treatment the volume of a gland was normalized and stojko function was normalized.

Under such circumstances at 30-50 % of patients of iron all life will not show attributes of the raised or increased function.

The others will have a return of disease which should be treated more considerably.

The pregnancy interrupted on early terms can provoke relapse.

11.05.2005, 12:20
Hello! I would like to specify the following information.

My attending physician approves or confirms, that at the patient shch.zh. Categorically it is impossible to bathe and zagrat. ??Nn?NN-was clearly and to bathe? I very much would wish to go for a week on the sea to Tuapse... Somewhere at a forum on this site, I met a similar question, you responded positively. What do you think now? Also wished to specify in occasion of reception anaprilina and Mercazolilum.

My attending physician has told or said what to accept it is necessary anaprilin up to meal, a tablet 0,4 to divide into 3 parts and to drink in current of day (as a result 1 _. Somehow I was on reception at the manager same poliklinn., she has told or said to accept 3 tab. anaprilina 0,4, speaks, in America so everyone are treated (when I have exclaimed surprise). And also it seems to me, that I met somehow your answer that it is not obligatory to drink these preparations at the certain o'clock, and to me have painted very strictly: up to meal anaprilin and after Mercazolilum.

And the last. I have received the new policy, very much wished to get to Vamna reception. When you will accept (in view of summer vacations)?


11.05.2005, 12:55
Irina, give all over again. How much or as far as I understand, now you treat a diffusive or diffuse toxic struma, whether not so? We Have started to be treated where in May, whether not so?

Treatment is spent tirostatikami, a starting dose usually the order of 30-40 mg tirozola .tirozol in general can be accepted once a day - possible to split up .esli we are treated since May 4-6-8 week of treatment - whether time of normalization dejaetlnosti a gland and time of correction of treatment .udobno it to do or make on a beach?

Anaprilin (or any another beta-blorkator) is given In the HELP tirostatikam (as a girdle in the help to a dress), but will agree, that the dress can be worn and without a girdle..

Situations when it is necessary to prepare for operation ONLY beta- are very rare, in such situation their dose greater or big and as a whole for the certain situation yours the doctor prava-but not for yours is concrete.

If (I in fact do not see you, whether not so), in opinion of the doctor to you are necessarily necessary beta- + ` tirostatiki it is possible to assume expressed enough gravity of disease and bad indemnification - but in this case hardly it is necessary to discuss a question on bathing in the sea in the emergency order.

As a whole there are no proofs, that zharene on the sun benefits at DTZ, theoretically it not ideal employment or occupation, but anybody and did not fry group of these patients specially, in comparison with sent on a glacier.

If to speak fairly tirotoksikoz demands respect for and diligent treatment - and in such case better far to not come off, if the situation is astable. Here at stable - an another matter.