Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist!!!!! Pregnancy and complications?

05.04.2005, 02:23


We can have healthy children, without teratisms and without mental retardations? Or it is absolutely not possible or probable?

To my girl (26) in 24 years have diagnosed: Hyperfunction SHCHZH, a thyrotoxicosis. First at it or her vypuchilis eyes also have swelled veki, in 4 months I at last have persuaded to descend or go it or her to the doctor. The raised or increased pulse, a tachycardia, aggression. Absence of a sexual inclination. After the beginning of treatment and reception of tablets position has improved. The tumour on a neck is a little umenshilas.opuhol eyes has decreased and pucheglazie too, but all is peerly appreciable. Here she is treated already almost 2 years. I did not reflect on consequences if we shall want to have the child. Now has read through and in a shock. Respond please. We with her can have healthy children, without teratisms and without mental retardations? Or it is absolutely not possible or probable? Thanks.

29.04.2005, 14:36
Certainly, you and YOUR girl are simply obliged to have healthy children.

It is necessary for this purpose, in the-first, to solve the problem on in what status now a thyroid gland (it is usual to the extremity or end of the second year of treatment of a diffusive or diffuse toxic struma solve the problem about is excellent or cancelled preparations). If the volume of a gland was normalized, after a cancelling of preparations it is better to observe of the patient within a year, and if there will be no relapse, pregnancy is planned, it is better to consult with the people who were specially deal with this problem - in Moscow it is V.V.Fadeev .moderator this site.

The second .situatsija will become complicated a little, if your girl will have a relapse of disease within the first year after a cancelling of preparations. Senselessly virtually to discuss all variants, I shall tell or say only, that finally all will be good if to do or make how it is accepted in the world.