Просмотр полной версии : At mum a medullary cancer shchetovidnoj glands. HELP or ASSIST!!!

25.01.2005, 19:24
In 1998 mum have operated - it is total have removed shchetovidnuju a gland. The histology has shown - a medullary cancer. The one and a half - two years all was quiet, but in 2000 g metastasises have sharply gone or send sharply to lymphonoduses of a mediastinum, a trachea, the main trunk of a lung and bronchuses. Since 2002 they have appeared and in an osteal tissue of a backbone. There are passed or are taken place 7 courses of chemotherapies by various preparations, irradiations stolko-how much is admissible - nothing helps or assists. Kaltsetonin 4200 at norm or rate up to 60. The German doctor has advised to accept Sandostatin (oktreotid) after trimensual reception kaltsetonin has fallen up to 2000, the hormone of body height has decreased. Metastasises in bones prevrvtilis in osteal callositases owing to reception Bonefosa - 9 months. We continue to accept sandostatin.

But the status of the patient - it or her samochustvie - steadily worsens, to remove or take off pains not pomagajut any obezbalivajushchie. Though a hemoglobin-139 (owing to immunomodulirujushchim to preparations) and all analyses of a blood in norm or rate.

We shall be grateful to any advice or councils and responses. In advance many thanks!

13.02.2005, 06:25
The medullary cancer of a thyroid gland, unfortunately, differs on character of current from more favorable forms of a cancer of this organ, and serious genetic inspection of close relatives demands enough with that. To reveal the faces predisposed to it or these zaboelvnaiju and to arrange (they are quite real) for that. To avoid that situation which has developed at YOU.

The greatest experience of treatment of it or this zaboelvnaija in Russia the radiological centre of science in Obninsk possesses, and personal consultation spetsiadlistov, at the international level solving this problem .garbuzov@mrrc.obninsk.ru is represented to me in YOUR situation of more desirable