Просмотр полной версии : Jodaktiv together with hormones

29.01.2005, 11:53
Svetlana - - ---I Accept hormones of a thyroid gland. Whether it is possible to accept simultaneously and jodsoderzhatsie preparations - for example, the Iodine-assets?

08.02.2005, 08:44
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) - - ---It is possible, and in some cases, even it is necessary, only that for example - not the best variant. The iodine-assets is not a medicinal preparation which has passed or has taken place clinical tests, and the biologically-active additive. Before let's find out, what we treat and in what, actually, a problem?

10.02.2005, 14:05
Svetlana - - ---At me a failure of function shchitovidki. I accept daily Thyreoidinum on 150 mg. Has read through the summary to prepatatu an iodine-assets: looks or appears attractively. Therefore I think, whether it is impossible to accept these two preparations simultaneously. I shall be grateful for the answer.

10.02.2005, 16:51
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) - - ---Dear Svetlana! I shall disappoint, but if at you insufficient function of a thyroid gland, and easier speaking a hypothyrosis, to you it is not shown any of these preparations. Thyreoidinum many years is on a dump of history. I at all do not understand, where you it or him have found also who on our distressful Native land it or him writes out. You accept preparations of L-thyroxine Eutiroks, L-thyroxine. Jodaktiv My God your will, no less than other preparations of an iodine, at a hypothyrosis is not shown, the summary as though was not attractive. By the way, as to you have established or installed the diagnosis of a hypothyrosis. What was level TTG and 4 prior to the beginning of reception of Thyreoidinum?

10.02.2005, 16:52
Svetlana - - ---Valentine Viktorovich, thanks for the answer! I enough for a long time am flied or treated by Thyreoidinum. Shortly my history is those. In the spring of 1996 I have transferred or carried a subacute thyroiditis, and under then analyses at me was 3=3,05, and 4=130. By the autumn the situation in general was normalized, became 3=2,29, and 4=76. Hardly later to me at the diagnosis an easy or a light;a mild thyroiditis have appointed or nominated Thyreoidinum on a quarter of a tablet in day; then a dose have increased now I accept on 1,5 tablets. Suggested to accept also Prednisolonum, but it or this has been decided to refuse. Now, apparently, the thyroiditis develops. Unfortunately, results of last analyses are hardly indicative: I handed over in their morning, after reception of Thyreoidinum the doctor have told or said, that so to hand over it is possible. It has appeared 3=6,26, and 4=89. The endocrinologist after that has appointed or nominated to lower reception on a quarter of a tablet. As to other preparations me tried to translate or transfer from Thyreoidinum on a L-thyroxine. Unfortunately, translation or transfer is not has gone right: At me the state of health has worsened, there were signs of a hyperthyroidism. It was necessary to return to Thyreoidinum. Unfortunately, among those endocrinologists whom I should meet now, I did not manage to find such which would undertake more closely or attentively to concern to my problems. Therefore generally it is necessary to be guided not by a science, and sensations. Once again I thank you for answers. I hope for your advice or council.

11.02.2005, 12:34
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) - - ---P.S. Jodaktiv is not a medicinal preparation, and biologically active additive.

11.02.2005, 16:04
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) - - ---To tell the truth, especially in absence of norms or rates for urolvnja hormones, it is difficult to me to tell or say, whether there was at you a depression of function of a thyroid gland initially. Level TTG was not defined or determined. If to approach or suit to a question especially practically, I have reduced a dose of grown fond Thyreoidinum in 2 times and in 3 months if till this time there will be no signs would look or see level TTG and over 4. Similar it is possible to do after a full cancelling of a preparation. Besides it would be quite good to make US with scoping a thyroid gland. If the hypothyrosis the raised or increased level TTG will be revealed and low 4 - it will be necessary for you to appoint or nominate a L-thyroxine. If disturbances of function of a thyroid gland it will not be revealed - thanks God.

11.02.2005, 22:29
Alexander - - ---Alexander, 33. Thursday. November of 16.6 months I pass or I take place treatment in occasion of a -toxic struma 3-4 items the Thyrotoxicosis, the serious form. A myocardial dystrophy. Short history. All has begun with an attack of a ciliary arrhythmia, a tachycardia, the raised or increased sweating, delicacy, loss in weight. Having stoped an attack novokainamidom and having surveyed heart, not having found anything serious, the cardiologist has directed me to the endocrinologist. Hormones of a thyroid gland-3-10,02; 4-377,5; -0,05. -right :29 ..322866. -8,6 mm. Left :23 ..312369. A contour equal. Structure or frame difuzno non-uniform. Ehogennost non-uniformly ponizhenna. Cysts, sites and dr.obrazovany it is not revealed. Treatment-Mercazolilum 2 .2 during the lunchtime and 1 for the night. -2 mornings., 2 during the lunchtime, and 1 for the night. Anaprilin, Essentiale, Riboxinum, r-O Ljugolja 10 kap. 3 times a day. Uzi in a month begun : a share-45..343774, an isthmus-8 of mm. Left :24 ..262869. Contour equal. Structure or frame difuzno non-uniform. Ehogennost sites raised or increased and lowered. In a month the status has a little improved. But pulse below 100 ud. In the minutes and have not lowered or omitted. Supporting or maintaining therapy-Mercazolilum 1 .2. In day. r-O Ljugolja 10. 3 times a day. So 2-3 months the Status proceeded the order has begun to worsen. The raised or increased delicacy, a sweating and the main thing pulse began to reach up to 130 ud. In min.v a status of rest. And a little gland began to increase or be enlarged. According to friends has addressed to another vrachuhoroshemu to the expert. On November, 1st the doctor has appointed or nominated treatment-Mercazolilum 2.-4 once a day, -4 t.utrom, 2 during the lunchtime., 1 for the night. Atenolol 2. In the morning, Riboxinum in tab., Essentiale in kaps. Solution Ljugolja has cancelled. And more the doctor has told or said, that previous treatment was insufficient. There was very low shock dose Today on November, 15th, and I at all do not feel improvements. Pulse on former 125 ud. In min.dazhe in a status of rest. Breaks through a clammy sweat, and too happens in a status of rest, without the reason. Constant delicacy, there were stomach aches. Whether wash a question-sufficient naznachenno treatment. As disease of a thyroid gland can be reflected in heart, in fact it already half a year works with rate not below 100 ud. In minutes even after reception atenolola. Whether there are in the world new methods of treatment, a medicine. I need an operative measure. Thankful in advance for advice or council.

11.02.2005, 22:36
Melnichenko - - ---Sasha, at you the serious form of a diffusive or diffuse toxic struma, great volume of a gland. It is the most reasonable to prepare for you tirostatikami for example. Mercazolilum to operation, having sufficient experience the surgeon should spend last. Use r- Ljugolja now is not welcomed. To Mercazolilum he stirs or prevents, and problems of preoperative preparation. As a rule. Are solved without it or him.

11.02.2005, 23:18
Vanushko V.E. - - ---Alexander! It agree with dear Galina Afanasevnoj. At all of you the indication to surgical treatment. The preparation for surgery is necessary for spending in a hospital. For example, at us in ENTS Russian Academy of Medical Science. Is ready to help or assist you. t. 095 124-3901.

12.02.2005, 00:05
Elena (- - - ---Good afternoon! One and a half year ago to me has been diagnosed: a hypofunction of a thyroid gland. Urove TTG made 3,7. I accept on 1 tablet in day Tireotom. Level TTG has decreased up to 1,8. I Feel much better, but the weight decreases very slowly. Recommend to try or taste drop Ljugolja, but samole-cheniem to be engaged I am afraid. Whether prompt, please, the solution or other variants of treatment can really help or assist. Thankful in advance for the answer, yours faithfully, Elena.

12.02.2005, 00:06
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) (- - - ---I hope, that solution Ljugolja has recommended to you to accept not the doctor. Upasi my God! What was the top norm or rate for TTG at its or his first definition? In itself reception of preparations of thyroid hormones is not called for weight reduction, but for achievement of normal function of a thyroid gland. At superfluous mass of a body the diet helps or assists.

12.02.2005, 00:07
Elena (- - - ---Dear Valentine Fedorovich! Has not absolutely precisely understood your question if you mean the biggest parameter TTG it and is 3,7. It was found out at the first analysis. Thus level 4 was by way of. And about weight the matter is that I also have addressed to the endocrinologist in connection with sharp augmentation of mass at a background of the strict diet. The doctor has explained this fact disturbance of function of a thyroid gland and promised in due course improvements. The superfluous mass leaves, but unfortunately, very slowly. A diet I am two years. Please, prompt, whether really there is a dependence between my disease and disturbance of a metabolism and what ways of treatment exist still. Yours faithfully, Elena. 23 years.

12.02.2005, 00:07
Melnichenko (- - - ---Level TTG 3,7 - in the majority of laboratories will be regarded as practically normal, as a last resort - minimally increased, and even in this case there are no bases to attribute uncontrollable .kak you are expressed .pribavku masses of a body to a so-called subclinical hypothyrosis raised or increased TTG at normal 4. It is necessary to show listing of our conversation to your doctor, return anew to a problem of the superfluous mass of a body. If there are no endocrine reasons and in 95 % of cases of an obesity soobstvenno illnesses or diseases of glands internal sektretsii are not present .est illness or disease of a fatty cell and a unbalanced delivery, glance on a site www.diabet.ru, esteem there consultations k.m.n. E.Starostinoj .i .ja I think. You can find a way out.