Просмотр полной версии : Immunomoduljator at a thyrotoxicosis

11.09.2004, 13:46

I have passed or have taken place course of treatment of a thyrotoxicosis (Mercazolilum and a L-thyroxine), almost year I do not accept any medicines - hormones and uzi in norm or rate.

Now I pass or I take place course of treatment on gynecology, the doctor has appointed or nominated Amiksin. But the treating doctor-endocrinologist spoke, that at autoimunnyh diseases it is not desirable to accept the preparations raising or increasing immunity (it is possible or probable retsediv). Whether it is valid so? If yes, than it is possible to replace amiksin?

In advance thanks!

31.10.2004, 02:28
Any preparations raising or increasing immunity, having scientifically proved proved efficiency and safety, not sushestvuet. As will affect or influence amiksin your thyroid gland - the science does not know. It is better to not risk. At any gynecologic diseases similar preparations anywhere in the world are not applied.

31.12.2004, 04:15
This preparation is appointed or nominated generally not as immunomoduljator, and as a strong antiviral agent. And on gynecology it or him have appointed or nominated as prophylaxis of virus infections after operation.

01.01.2005, 00:14
Amiksin - an inductor of synthesis of interferons. Its or his safety at autoimmune diseases (to which concerns DTZ) is not investigated or researched. Do not risk.

01.01.2005, 20:28
This preparation is appointed or nominated generally not as immunomoduljator, and as a strong antiviral agent. And on gynecology it or him have appointed or nominated as prophylaxis of virus infections after operation. Preventive purpose or appointment amiksina after gynecologic operations is not shown. It is someone's amateur performance. And in general antiviral preparations are appointed or nominated only then when there is a necessity to treat these viruses. Amiksin does not concern to antiviral preparations. protivivirusnaja activity amiksina on the present is not investigated or researched.