Просмотр полной версии : L-thyroxine (time of reception) +? On pregnancy

05.10.2004, 04:47
All hello

1. I accept L-thyroxine - there was a question: concerning the first reception of nutrition - it is optimum for how much to drink a tablet and what kol- water to wash down? And more - if the first reception of peep - not at a time - that as is better to accept tablets (in one and too time or for certain time up to meal)?

2. A dose of 200 mkg (for a long time - with 1995), the general or common reception with 1985 (all over again Thyreoidinum, then with 1987/88 - L-thyroxine). Diagnoses: first sites - *gt; a subtotal resection - *gt; full tireoektomija - *gt; RSHCHZH (a radioiodine - greetings to the open radionuclides MRNTS Russian Academy of Medical Science - RAA - especially;)).

I plan pregnancy - from what term there should be a rising of a dose and how much or as far as? Up to - TTG - 0,059 (norm or rate 0,23-3,); 4 - 173 (norm or rate - 54-156). Whether it is necessary jodomarin (if yes, from what term and a dose)?

3. Where it is better to be observed on pregnancy with my diagnosis in St.-Petersburg?

Yours faithfully and gratitude

26.11.2004, 18:50
1. I accept L-thyroxine - there was a question: concerning the first reception of nutrition - it is optimum for how much to drink a tablet and what kol- water to wash down? And more - if the first reception of peep - not at a time - that as is better to accept tablets (in one and too time or for certain time up to meal)?

30-60 minutes prior to meal to wash down small kol- waters (some drinks); not necessarily at a time.

2. A dose of 200 mkg (for a long time - with 1995), the general or common reception with 1985 (all over again Thyreoidinum, then with 1987/88 - L-thyroxine). Diagnoses: first sites - *gt; a subtotal resection - *gt; full tireoektomija - *gt; RSHCHZH (a radioiodine - greetings to the open radionuclides MRNTS Russian Academy of Medical Science - RAA - especially;)).

I plan pregnancy - from what term there should be a rising of a dose and how much or as far as? Up to - TTG - 0,059 (norm or rate 0,23-3,); 4 - 173 (norm or rate - 54-156). Whether it is necessary jodomarin (if yes, from what term and a dose)?

You now receive supressivnuju a dose of a L-thyroxine (TTG below the bottom border of norm or rate) and are in a status medicamental gipertiroza.

Pregnancy should attack a background eutiroza (TTG 0,2 - 2,5 ??N/ml). T.e now, before pregnancy, the dose should be lowered up to 175 mkg. In 2 months - an. On TTG and tiroglobulin. Then already the decision of a question on pregnancy.

Yes, on a background of pregnancy the dose of a L-thyroxine will raise or increase (so that TTG was at the bottom border of norm or rate, and 4 svob. - at top).

Jodomarin it will be necessary approximately with 12 ned. Pregnancy for correct job of a thyroid gland of a fetus; there is enough 100 mkg.

3. Where it is better to be observed on pregnancy with my diagnosis in St.-Petersburg?

I do not know.:o I think, my colleagues will prompt.

22.12.2004, 20:54
Research Tg and antibodies to TG (the last is very important) can is made as on a background nizkonormalnogo TTG, and, that, possibly, better, but in Russia not prapktikuetsja, on a background of cancelling 4.

As a whole I would recommend following algorithm of actions-decisions of a question on level Tg and attg (forma-at the discretion of the radiologist), the decision vorposa about necessity \ to uselessness of the further inspection), at otsustvii to that necessity observation at E.N.Grinevoj and the colleagues recommended by her or it.

23.12.2004, 02:33
Research Tg and antibodies to TG (the last is very important) can is made as on a background nizkonormalnogo TTG, and, that, possibly, better, but in Russia not prapktikuetsja, on a background of cancelling 4.

It is necessary to do or make free 3 and 4 + TTG + antibodies to TTG? (or it is simple 3 and 4). What their level should be?

As a whole I would recommend following algorithm of actions-decisions of a question on level Tg and attg (forma-at the discretion of the radiologist),

What radiologist???? Me and at the endocrinologist hardly accept = (has come to female consultation to the local gynecologist - she has sent to the gynecologist-endocrinologist (like logical) - that has told or said, what is it not to her and bystrenko has got rid to the endocrinologist (a climacterium-center for some reason). This endocrinologist all over again longly gasped and ohala, has then suggested to arrive to the professor to hospital Mechnikova (2-nd honey). The professor has not looked or seen, but any leading expert has looked or seen - (I do not know as call as at them it is not accepted to be represented, and bejdzhiki do not wear). Have told or said to check up Sa ++, R ++ (a calcium and phosphorus). Have advised in in-O Otta to consult. Reception 650 r = (((and eto budgetary institute (the truth under a signboard of Open Company Liberin) with such pathology and at presence of unit of endocrinology of a reproduction (like how these or it;this also should be engaged).

By the way, about jodomarina - eyes at them were very much greater or big when I about it or him tried to specify.

To Grinevoj to not phone yet = (has entered the name while in potinu (well I cannot all beremennostt PLATNO at it or him be observed), but I shall try to reach up to Grinevoj (and she here at the Forum does not appear?)

24.12.2004, 19:18
Irisha, in absentia do not treat. Look or see, you copied my text and that was mixed with antibodies to TIROGLOBULINU (ATTG) and have invented certain antibodies to TTG - those gift or for nothing are not necessary to us (no less than 3).

You very much have passed or missed much in sovem rasskaze-in fact important not when you have started to receive a thyroxine and when have been operated and when investigated or researched Tg, ATTG - and it is important, whether as them issldeovali-spent a cancelling of a thyroxine and looked at TTG more than 30, or on a background nizkonormalnogo TTG. In a word, I would discuss this question with RAA having received blessing further would discuss with real Elena Nikolaevnoj (there are fine details which can be solved individually. And in and-not those or that everyone will cause superfluous conversations).

R. A. A.
25.12.2004, 07:16
In a word, I would discuss this question with RAA having received blessing further would discuss with real Elena Nikolaevnoj (there are fine details which can be solved individually. And in and-not those or that everyone will cause superfluous conversations).

Galina Afanasevna!

Mine *quot; i?au??oN??N*quot; Irishka has received internally during a preNew Year's trip on working meeting on RJT in With-i. (from myself I can add, what is it VERY GOOD LITTLE MAN! - not many men can show such courage before the face of sores and vital collisions, as this girl!) It is observed in MRNTS with 1998. Level TG and ATkTG with a cancelling of the Thyroxine last time on the control already in 2000 + WBS - all is negative, then only on a background supressii. To that there were reasons.

Dear Irishka!

Kohl soon you have decided to address to leading experts in the field of endocrinology, it is not necessary to hold back other problems besides a thyroid gland. You very reasonable person. The information should be FULL, features of virtual consultations and so have rather significant restrictions, therefore I have sent you to Elena Nikolaevne. If you do not wish to discuss the is concrete-personal problems *quot; in o?NO??U?a?yN*quot; is your right, write to Galina Afanasevna in lichku. Only it is detailed! And about the Thyreoglobulin... At me already a callositas in tongue...