Просмотр полной версии : Gipoterioz

14.09.2004, 00:59
I am sick primary gipoteriozom about ten years. On own experience has learned or has found out, that such to be bald (after the beginning of reception of a thyroxine for a month I have almost lost all hair), has learned or has found out, that such pulse of 40 impacts in a minute after an intensive load, and still it is a lot of that... Now at me a problem that TTG on zero, endocrinologists give different advice or councils: to lower a dose of a thyroxine, to clean or remove a thyroxine and to replace it or him tireotomom, to change nothing - itself will pass or take place...

The tomogram of a brain at me good, in a pituitary body is not present changes, the organism functions normally, the truth, palpitation raised or increased, but it does not disturb me.

What to me to make with TTG? If the parameter will not change, than it threatens? What consequences will be and whether will be? In Setchenov to me have refused to answer these questions, Svetlana Vladimirovna has told or said - take the literature and esteem. You could not respond me, what all the same for me waits, if nothing will change?

SHCHitovidki at me is not present absolutely, therefore I am completely on replacement... At present I drink 175 mkg of a thyroxine and poltabletki tireotoma...

15.09.2004, 13:28
Vo-the first, I apologize that Svetlana Vladimirovna has not answered YOUR questions.

In the-second, I do not know, in what occasion you are operated - if in occasion of DTZ on a background of treatment you should support or maintain level TTG in a range 0,5, 0 honey \l. And for the decision of this problem it is necessary navsego to reduce all quantity or amount of consumed replaceable therapy (you would not began to ask, whether it is necessary to water still flowers though already the pool on a window sill was formed?). And so low TTG in the given situation - a parameter of excess of replaceable therapy (t.e about the same, that flowing on all room water from superfluous poliva colors or flowers on a window sill)..

Now about its or her kind - already for a long time, from the extremity or end of 70th years, replaceable therapy is spent by preparations 4 - t.e a thyroxine. Accept you one thyroxine, the problem would not be - it or him would reduce, and all.

But at YOU actually 195 mkg 4 (175 in the form of a thyroxine and 20 in polovinke tirotoma-this preparation conceived as the combined therapy) and more are trijodtironin from tirotoma.

Here it is necessary or not to give in addition to a thyroxine also trijodtironin, it already other question - in what saw to you \ to the doctor sense of its or his purpose or appointment?

And the most important - if you have been operated in occasion of other disease. That is situations when TTG should be low... So in occasion of what you are operated?

17.09.2004, 15:10
Hm... I, like, did not speak, that I have been operated:) to Me diagnosed congenital gipoterioz, there and there was nothing to operate unless to sew;) And when 18 years were executed, the diagnosis have changed on primary gipoterioz...

The doctor has registered to me tireotom because I have strongly recovered after three sessions (on 20 kg), the doctor has told or said, that by means of tireotoma the weight will decrease and will prevent the subsequent set of weight. To lower has decreased nothing, and here the set has stopped...

I have been operated in 14 years - have removed a cholic bubble, but, like, it should not influence on shchitovidku in any way...

17.09.2004, 23:01
It is guilty, has not understood. So. At congenital gipotiroze there is no necessity to keep TTG at so low level, therefore YOUR replaceable therapy is superfluous.

There are no proofs, that the combined therapy is proved monotherapy by a thyroxine, for maintenance of mass of a body is more effective, than, and the increase of mass of a body is connected with unbalanced piteniem, than with actually gipotirozom more often (the number corpulent on the Earth much more surpasses number of patients with gipotirozom to which otnostisja and the champion in K.Ljuis's run.).

BUT it is very difficult to convince of it or this the patient - to live on an overdosage of a thyroxine the some more conveniently. The same as to live on a dope..

So, be defined or determined - if you consider or count expedient conservation tirotoma, and to you the combined therapy it is necessary to reduce dose 4 by 25 mkg is more convenient and to look or see TTG in 2 months

It is very important to seem internally to me or to Valentine Viktorovichu-now we have certain reasons on conducting faces with congenital gipotirozom.

18.09.2004, 18:20
Thanks big!

How it is possible to get to you on reception? Whether it is dear or expensive? Where it is necessary to approach or drop in?

(The mood has flied up up to heavens:))

18.09.2004, 18:34
Yes, I have understood, why I was occurred with an idea about congenital gipotiroze, in fact you wrote, that 10 years are sick, and to you hardly 10 years, by the letter...

I can look or see you on Pirogovke, 1, on medium or Thursday.

18.09.2004, 18:39
Whether it is possible to call you and to agree about an occurring?

13-th at me scheduled hospitalization in hospital on park of culture, but today to me have told or said, that in it or this there is no necessity... Though two other doctors recommended to lay down there on inspection... How you consider or count, there is in it or this a necessity or not? The Doctor in Setchenov has told or said, what there can make only analyses of a blood, urine and uzi, and still there is a necessity for a tomography (the tomogram?) a brain, a pituitary body there and so on... Can, you will recommend other hospital where it will be possible to spend high-grade inspection?

18.09.2004, 18:41
Dear Sanrajz and in what sense of high-grade inspection, what we are going to to search?

We should respond to what question?

With what purpose scheduled hospitalization in YOUR case is necessary?

18.09.2004, 18:41
If it is fair, in a greater degree it is necessary for VTEKa as I had a second group of physical inability, but, passing or taking place repeatedly vtek, there has been told or said, that *quot; I am completely healthy, time was not necessities in u??Oa???a??*quot;... And me a distance the third group of the first degree...

18.09.2004, 18:42
Here it is valid problema-I already spoke, that kopmensirovannyj gipotiroz is not illness or disease, and a way of life... At the same time realities of our life compel or force patients to insist on physical inability, as on a source of the blessings. Certainly, at YOU could not be by definition congenital gipotiroza-if it is not spent from first weeks of a life lechneie this status, the Internet correspondence with the patient is hardly possible or probable..

What complications not treated gipotiroza at you were not before treatment (an anemia, a secondary pituitary struma, disturbances of a myocardium), all of them ustranimy during treatment and should not arise at normal therapy.

Dostotochno it is rare, but to consider such opportunity costs or stands, autoimmune gioptiroz it is combined with other autoimmune diseases - them perchen it is clear and iskljuchenie-an out-patient problem.

At the moment unique your problem is an overdosage of a thyroxine which for not clear reasons is not eliminated or erased;removed (most likely, it is connected with your unwillingness - realized or not). As the reason of this unwillingness the pavor of intensifying of signs gipotiroza - weight, weariness and so forth serves

As you understand, in absentia it or this to understand it is impossible.