Просмотр полной версии : Gojtrogeny in food stuffs

01.09.2004, 19:30
Arthur - - ---Hello! Recently has learned or has found out, that in some foodstuff in particular, in soybeans and in separate kinds of cabbage the substances stimulating education of a struma so-called gojtrogeny contain. Whether about the maintenance or contents gojtrogenov researches were carried out in food stuffs of inhabitants of Moscow or other regions of Russia subject to deficiency of an iodine? Thanks for the answer. Arthur.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Fadeev Valentine Viktorovich (Fadeyev) - - ---Dear Artut, in cabbage and in many other things food stuffs background goitrogenic substances can be found out, flavonoidy, etc. However value or meaning;importance of the majority of them is not great. The majority zobogenov show the effect only on a background iodic defetsita. At defetsite an iodine functional reserves of a thyroid gland are exhausted. If on this background will work any, even rather weak zobogen gojtrogen, it is fraught with development of a struma. Adequate iodic prophylaxis first of all, use jodirovannoj salts solves a problem of the majority background zobogenov. There are certainly exceptions, but they have no such social value or meaning;importance as deficiency of an iodine. And in Moscow easy or light;mild iodic deficiency is defined or determined. The struma in Moscow comes to light or is taped at 10 - 12 % of children in the age of nearby 10 years.