Просмотр полной версии : Prompt

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello once again. To me of 26 years. I live in Ulyanovsk. In me have found out the site in the right share a board. zhel. For the first time. Before to doctors did not address years five.

The given US: the Isthmus of 2,7 mm.

Pr. A share of 54*16*16 mm - 7 sm

Lion. A share of 46*10*14-3,2 sm

Pr. The share is deformed by nodal education of 18*7 mm on a first line in an average third. The blood flow in the site is not recorded. On back edge or territory of the right share zhidkostn. Images. 7 mm (rasshir. A follicle).

Blood analysis on hormones: from 11/04/03

1. The maintenance or contents of a thyroxine (t 4)

88,7 n ??y/l

2. The maintenance or contents trijodtirona (T 3)

1,12 n mol/l

3. The maintenance or contents tireotropn. A hormone

There is a blank (can did not define or determine because in a direction on analyses stood only 3, 4 and antibodies)

Blood analysis on autoan. To tireog. From 09/04/03

Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin

4,4 ?N/ml

Puncture biopsy: from 14/04/03

The clinical diagnosis: nodal eutir. A struma, 1 item

Puncture of the site cyte. 5402 - onkopat. It is not revealed.

The doctor who did or made biopsy Makeeva Hope Petrovna has recommended to perform operation. Motivating it is that at pregnancy at splash in hormones the site can pererasti. (In what pererasti I have not so understood only I guess, that in malignant). I still do not have children and I planned pregnancy the nearest year.

The doctor the endocrinologist has advised to try to treat 4-6 months and to look or see that occurs or happens to the site. And if he will not give in to treatment and to grow, then only to perform operation. And more she speaks, as not with such sites give birth or travail.

She to me has written out 1) L-thyroxine-100.

1 week--1/4 tab.

2 week - 1/2 tab.

Then 1 tabl in day.

2) Corvitolum 50

1 t. 2 r. In day. And to watch or keep up pulse.

3) Kelp 1 kaps. In day 5 months

4) endida-1 kaps.

I-Plus - 1 kaps. To alternate or interleave

The last otnosjatsja to bioadditives. If it is necessary I can write structure.

In general I cost or stand on rasputi. I do not know what to do or make tablets to drink yet has not begun. Prompt, please, what way to choose.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At YOU should investigate or research TTG and is more correct formulate the conclusion on a puncture biopsy.

Should be precisely written, whether we deal with a nodal colloid struma or with an adenoma, or is not less precisely written, that the cytologist cannot give the conclusion.

The decision on treatment by a thyroxine is accepted ONLY after specification of a cytology and level TTG.

Any of perechislenny you in the further of substances has no attitude or relation to lecheniu a nodal struma (in YOUR situation neustnovlennoj kltochnoj structure or frame and raised or increased? Functional activity.

Discuss my answer with the Doctor.