Просмотр полной версии : At me hormone TSH continues to fall

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear doctors.

I address to you with the request to explain to me, that to me occurs or happens. Absolutely unexpectedly at the analysis of a blood at me have revealed the low maintenance or contents of hormone TSH (I live in France and here so it or him name). One month ago results have shown TSH - 0,03. It or this as the doctor has explained to me spoke mine pohudanie for last five months approximately on 6 kg, strong fatigability, headaches, jolting of arms or hand periodic, pains in heart and giddinesses. He has told or said to me, that at me augmentation of a thyroid gland. Has appointed or nominated -Mercazolum. I have spent on drink its or his month, yesterday have made new analyses and they have shown, that TSH continues to fall. Already 0,01. The doctor has made a helpless gesture and has told or said, that it is necessary to wait two more months and to continue to accept this preparation. To me every day all becomes worse, I already at all do not feel forces and I neprekrashchaja am am hurted with heart (from the squeezed status up to sharp pricking pains). I have asked the doctor that will be if TSH absolutely will disappear, but he has not given me on this question of the answer. I ask from you advice or council: than full disappearance or eradication of this hormone threatens? Whether probably it or him to restore? And how much or as far as it is dangerous to my health?

I shall be glad, if you can respond me as soon as possible, and that I absolutely rasperezhivalas in this occasion.

Yours faithfully, Olga.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Calm down. A problem not in disappearance or eradication TTG (TSH). Apparently, your disease -- Grejvsa- (prochtite at forum Tironet for patients). TTG it is lowered because hormones most zhelezy-they are raised or increased and frame a symptomatology of your disease.

TTG check approximately later half a year from the beginning of treatment, and he is normalized after that. As it is normalized over 4 and 3.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Calm down. A problem not in disappearance or eradication TTG (TSH). Apparently, your disease -- Grejvsa- (prochtite at forum Tironet for patients). TTG it is lowered because hormones most zhelezy-they are raised or increased and frame a symptomatology of your disease.

TTG check approximately later half a year from the beginning of treatment, and he is normalized after that. As it is normalized over 4 and 3.

Thanks you big for the answer. Tell or say, whether could arise such disease as a result of reception of contraceptives? Or as a result of injection in a blood of an iodine? The matter is that all happens after I have passed or have taken place scanning a head for which to me have poured in some dose of an iodine that it was visible better. Because earlier at me all was normal at a level of hormones, I checked them in May of the last year, and since August began to grow thin sharply.

Long treatment is necessary to me... And in fact to the child at this time you will not give birth, and I so wanted it or this. The main thing that nevertheless it has turned out to recover. But in fact consequences all the same will be, so in fact? I have read through your link, and there is written, that in 10 years relapses can be shown.

Tanya G
01.09.2004, 19:30
You do not think yet neither of consequences, nor that *quot; TTG continues anaOy*quot;. Inform, please, a dose of Mercazolum which accept. Also that you at present disturbs (complaints).

01.09.2004, 19:30
You do not think yet neither of consequences, nor that *quot; TTG continues anaOy*quot;. Inform, please, a dose of Mercazolum which accept. Also that you at present disturbs (complaints).

To me have registered one tablet 20 in day, in the mornings.

Now I am am disturbed with heart, it presses every day, sometimes sharply pricks. It is necessary to be run or rise on the fifth floor on foot, hardly I breathe also heart starts to hurt or be ill;be sick more strongly. There are attacks of the suffocation, spontaneously arising giddinesses to full loss of force during this moment, once has not fallen nearly. All time I am in a dejectedness. And now still something strange occurs or happens to a skin: she is scratched all time and on arms or hand grows coarse, as if or as becomes covered by a crust. Here such complaints at me:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; Tell or Say, whether could arise such disease as a result of reception of contraceptives? *quot; - is not present

*quot; Or as a result of injection in a blood of an iodine? The matter is that all happens after I have passed or have taken place scanning a head for which to me have poured in some dose of an iodine that it was visible better. And quot; - forgive or excuse, and in what occasion to you it did or made????

*quot; Because earlier at me all was normal at a level of hormones, I checked them in May of the last year, and since August began to grow thin sharply. And quot; what hormones and why you checked?

*quot; Long treatment is necessary to me... *quot; - 12-18 months

*quot; And in fact to the child at this time you will not give birth, and I so wanted it or this. *quot; if you plan immediate beremennsot - operation.

*quot; the Main thing that nevertheless it has turned out to recover. And quot; -- Grejvsa-Bazedova - absolutely curable on a syndrome tirotkosikoza disease.

*quot; But in fact consequences all the same will be, so in fact? *quot; what?

*quot; I have read through your link, and there is written, that in 10 years can be shown *quot; - c favour, as to the teacher. Tell or say to me, which phrase was you so is bizarrely interpreted???

01.09.2004, 19:30
- Forgive or Excuse, and in what occasion to you it did or made????

To me did or made scanning a head to define or determine the nature of headaches which arose spazmaticheski, all time from the left party or side, were accompanied by strong giddinesses, a vomiting and jolting of arms or hand. Any anomalies in the field of a head have not found. At a roentgen of a backbone have found out a wrong locating of disks. The doctor has told or said, that together a flexure at me the line of a cervical department is practically equal, and that by it or this pains can be caused or called.

*quot; Because earlier at me all was normal at a level of hormones, I checked them in May of the last year, and since August began to grow thin sharply. And quot;

- What hormones and why you checked?

Because in January, 2004 I for the first time began to accept contraceptive tablets (what precisely now I do not remember, but they were three-coloured). From them at me in two months pains in the field of appendages have begun and the doctor has suggested to change a preparation. I began to apply another - stediril. In three months me have sent to look or see, whether all by way of on a hormonal background. What hormones checked, I do not know, but was found out, that very well, no changes are present, and to me have told or said to continue to accept stediril.

01.09.2004, 19:30
As you understand, hardly looked and is concrete TTG and tiroidnye hormones.

Now to rentgenokontrastam.

Basically there is a probability provotsirovanija them of problems with shchitovdinoj a gland. Including autoimmune. But this probability is small.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Then than this disease could be caused or called? No heredity at me is present.

And more, whether prompt, please, it is necessary to me to keep to a special diet in my case? Whether restrictions of other sort are necessary? How I can help or assist to come somewhat quicker to myself in the form? Or on me anything now does not depend and it is necessary to wait only when Mercazolum will start to operate or work?

01.09.2004, 19:30
- Grejvsa - Bazedova has genticheskuju predisposition which is not characterized by breakage of ONE gene, and it is connected with accumulation of certain variants of normal genes, such accumulation only raises or increases probability of disease, and the role of the starting factor can play smoking, stress (one large tiroidolog from the USA assures, that Dzh. Bush-senior dopekla war in Iraq, very nice the doctor from Serbia, our friend, shows the schedule of body height of disease during bombardments of Serbia), a certain communication or connection is with smoking and ierseniozom..

Possibly, in the near future we sumem it is better to answer your question (special research on a genetic code of 700 bigeminal pairs - specially on diseases shchitovdnoj glands will end), but it is now most constructive versija-on that place you will not return (except for kurenija-here idea rich, to smoke it is not necessary).

01.09.2004, 19:30
I never smoked - here in fact what as the president, but not Bush-senior used to say, a flourish...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Wonderfully, you have more than chances of success of conservative therapy. By the way, the disadvantage of other president (with a flourish) shchitovdinoj to iron or gland more likely on polzu-but it not an occasion to follow these or it;this by.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If will not complicate, perhaps, you a little razovyote - and this disadvantage by me has passed or has taken place this idea, however it would be desirable to know (exclusively from natural inquisitiveness), in what quantities or amounts and what exactly. Spirits or Hard liquor? Or wine, beer? And more one small request: possibly, to you other ways of positive influence on shchetovidnuju to iron or gland are known also - share, please.

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, in relation to your disease of all this not imeet is any more idle talk.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The doctor if I have correctly understood you, in general is not present any ways, besides medicamental, to improve my status? The matter is that I feel monstrous weariness every day, and the doctor to whom went in Paris, advised me more to have a rest and even to leave for a while job:) And the idea that the similar status will be prolonged a minimum year, not simply frightens - horrifies me...

01.09.2004, 19:30
neomerkazolil will start to show the action through 7 - 14 days, the distinct or clear effect will be after 3-5 weeks of treatment.

You it is valid ustali-tirotoksikoz forces your heart to work as heart marafontsa, therefore there is no sense of podstegivat-the most curious, that the same tirotoksikoz disturbs your brain..

Silently, silently, all will be good...

*quot; it is not necessary only hastes,

All will be good,

Also will leave in damki pawns... *quot;

01.09.2004, 19:30
The most curious, that the same tirotoksikoz disturbs your brain..

Because of it or this at me on eyes character spoils? Or you other wished to tell or say about something this phrase?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Usually while is tirotoksikoz, character does not improve... But it is bad from it or this basically to the patient..

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alas, not only to him, but also relatives from it or this it is bad, but it already lyrics...