Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and L-thyroxine

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdrastvujte. As well as all I ask advice or council. To me 31 year.

Four years ago there was a subtotal resection of a thyroid gland in occasion of DTZ. Pregnancy has attacked background TTG 5 (norm or rate 0,2-4), 4. 13 (norm or rate 10-22) and a L-thyroxine 50 units I have increased a dose of a L-thyroxine.

Now 31-st week. Last 3,5 months I accept 125 units of a L-thyroxine. Last analysis:

TTG 0,4 (norm or rate 0,2-4)

4. 19 (norm or rate 10-22).

Wished to learn or find out your opinion:

1. To accept 125 units of a L-thyroxine up to the sorts or labors (till 39-40 ned) and to cancel surpluses then or to reduce already sejchas-gradually (on what week)

2. Handed over the test for tolerance to a glucose - a blood capillary:

Up to - 4, 6 ???y \l, then 75 g glucoses, after - 5,2 ???y \l.

If the occasion to be guarded?

I shall hope for your attention. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1.. To continue reception of a thyroxine of 125 mkg.

2. Very well.

3. Success and happiness.