Просмотр полной версии : Cyst SHCHZ

01.09.2004, 19:30

Help or Assist me to be defined or determined, please. On US of a thyroid gland me has sent the gynecologist - from time to time she palpates and shchitovidku. The greater or big cyst was found out. By records in a card, in October of the last year nothing caused suspicions. It turns out, that the cyst so has strongly grown for 10 months. Have made a puncture (contents of a cyst - as I have understood). Pricked four times in different places, but not under the control of US. Have told or said, that on 90 % it not an oncology, but operation not postponing is necessary. In a week is appointed or nominated to lay down, how much or as far as I have understood, plan to remove all left share.

The given US on July, 22nd 2005.

The description. The thyroid gland is located usually, increased, basically due to the left share, the isthmus is looked through hardly.

The right share 5.2 * 1.7 * 1.8, volume 8.33, mass 8.8. The left share 6.2 * 3.0 * 3.5, volume 33.93, mass 35.9. Total amount of a gland 42.13, mass 44.7. Contours of a gland equal, in the right share and an isthmus are looked through hardly, ehostruktura usual density, uniform.

Practically all bottom half of left share is borrowed or occupied with the big liquid education with rough, places indistinct contours in the size 4.5*2.1*3.0, in its or his lumen pristenochnogo are available ehopozitivnye includings or incorporations of average density of the wrong form in the size up to 1 sm, in the top half of share a little ventralnee it or him there is a small liquid education with equal contours in the size up to 0.6.

Regional lymphonoduses are not looked through. Big sosudistonervnyj the fascicle is located usually, vessels are not changed.

The conclusion. Ehoskopicheski there is an augmentation of the sizes of a thyroid gland, cystic educations in the left share of a gland. It is impossible to exclude completely a cystadenocarcinoma, it is recommended doobsledovanie.

The cytologic research of a punctate of a thyroid gland on July, 25th 2005.

In smears a blood, in a plenty of the moderate density a colloid, a few unstructured masses, a clump and groups of macrophages, small group of a follicular epithelium in a dystrophia. The conclusion the Cyst.

Please, respond! How you think, it is a puncture is informative? Or it was necessary to take precisely from pristenochnyh educations? I.e. I wish to understand, whether urgent operation is really necessary at such cyst at its or her any nature or a puncture neinformativna and after operation the carcinoma can quite be found out? The matter is that I just should go to holiday and wished to postpone operation approximately for a month, but to me is soft, but have persistently advised to not do or make it or this. Can, it is necessary to pass or take place still any inspection?

To me 44 g, six years I am observed in occasion of a fibromyoma of a uterus, three years ago there was an oothecoma, have appointed or nominated hormones (Diana-35), the cyst has disappeared, to Diana-35 I continue to accept.

Yours faithfully, I wait your opinion

01.09.2004, 19:30
In this case the conclusion of the cytologist hardly can accept we, but, in view of all territorial realities, operation - absolutely reasonable idea.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has received results of a blood on hormones

TTG - 1.16, 4 - 18.8, g - 113. It is very bad (g)?

I am going to to lay down in good clinic, but the oncologic unit there is not present. We have a regional oncologic dispensary - can, to me quickly there to address?

Yours faithfully...

01.09.2004, 19:30
With the diagnostic purpose tiroglobulin it is not informative. It or him it is not necessary to look on detsadovskoj to logic badly \ well...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I ask prshchenija for children's questions, it is simple when the doctor wrote out a direction on the analysis, has told or said, that Tg is onkomarker. To respond it is not necessary, I already porylas on the Internet on this subject.


Yours faithfully...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I can not be silent... NOT onkomarker... Or, more correctly, marker-but in other situation