Просмотр полной версии : Please help or assist. I do not know from what to begin treatment all org. rassypaetsja...

20.08.2004, 04:54
Please help or assist. I do not know from what to begin treatment all org. rassypaetsja. To me 30 l. For 7 years from very lovely girl I literally prevrat in the old woman. For endokr. Me the site a board. 17, 9, 31. Now Nach. Formir. And in a lion. To a share. Function ttg and 3, 4, a floor of year were in norm or rate, prolakt back. In norm or rate, testost. It is a little above. For immun.-. On all kinds of a dust and smells. For gastroenter. - a reflux, gastr., ulcer LDPK, For ginekologa-ureoplazm., he and after treatment, TSitomegalv (1/900), gerp. (1/400). No treatment brings result, SPIDA certainly is not present, but immun. Is lowered what to do or make? What to treat vpervuju turn? What even a little bit to start to resemble itself former strong and it is healthy. Wished to have very much with the husband of children, I never did or made oborty, and now I do not know as to rescue or save the organism.

Sterility or Barrenness
23.08.2004, 09:20
At me is not present

27.08.2004, 00:14
Dear Alain! Virus infections completely do not recover (herpes http: // www. doctor-sex. ru/enciklop/zpp/gerp. html, megalovirus). Specific treatment of virus diseases is not present. Treatment symptomatic. A prominent aspect in therapy of virus diseases is immunokorektsija (rising of immunity). We recommend you to address in Institute of the Immunology for research immunogo the status and a choice immunokorregirujushchej therapies, also you can address in Gerpetichesky the center where you can receive consultation of leading experts in the field of treatment gerpes-virus diseases http: // www. medmedia. ru/hospital/? id = 115647. Probably, ulcerative process at you is caused by complication of herpes and the lowered immunity. We recommend you first of all obsledrvanie immune system, consultation at the doctor of the gastroenterologist. Nodal education of a thyroid gland demands observation from the doctor of the endocrinologist.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category endocrinologist Razova Love Viktorovna.

27.08.2004, 09:35
What to me to make forward predldozhennuju operation or zaberemennet? Or in the given situation to me it and neudastsja