Просмотр полной версии : Dear Levit B. ! On the basis of the made analyses: the Thyreoglobulin 14...

18.08.2004, 12:06
Dear Levit B. ! On the basis of the made analyses: the Thyreoglobulin 14, 48 ng/ml (norm or rate 0 50), a/t to mikrosomalnoj fractions otrits., 3 trijodtironin 1, 49 nmol/l (0, 8 3, 2), 4 a thyroxine 104, 83 nmol/l (54 155), FT4 a thyroxine 22, 32 pmol/l (10, 32 28, 4), FT3 free trijodtironin 3, 78pmol/l (2 6.5), TSH tiroetropnyj a hormone 1, 67 mked/ml (0, 2 4), a/t to a thyreoglobulin 6, 42 Ed/ml (0 70), Oestradiolum 74, 13pg/ml (70 250), Progesteronum 16, 99nmol/l (6.4 89), Prolactinum 65, 31 ng/ml (4.35 40), Testosteron-Depotum 0, 49 nmol/l (0 5, 2), FG 16, 03/l (1, 09 25), LG 4, 69mIU/ml (0.5 17), the Hydrocortisone 183. 91nmol/l (55 690). Diagnose giperprolaktinemicheskaja a failure of ovaries, appointing or nominating Dostineks 1* 1 in ned (N16). But also appoint or nominate and Tireotom under the scheme or plan since 1/2 in day having finished up to 2. How much or As far as I can judge all parameters of hormones of a thyroid gland at me within the limits of norm or rate, whether it is necessary for me to accept Tireotom (according to doctor FT3 nizkovat, and TSH vysokovat)? In 2 months I plan pregnancy and the doctor has told or said, that in case of offensive or approach Dostineks to cancel, and Tireotom to continue to accept. Comment please on these purposes or appointments? Whether it is valid at me by way of as well boards. A gland?

Levit B.I.
18.08.2004, 23:58
I advise immediately to cancel tireotom, t. To. The gland at you in the FULL order, and an overdosage of thyroid hormones can lead to sterility or barrenness and nevynashivaniju.
I do not see also the bases for d-for " giperprolaktinemicheskaja a failure of ovaries " at presence scanty
Risings of Prolactinum, and taken only unitary. At you that, is absent or the menstrual cycle is broken or disturbed? Is allocation of milk from papillas? If the specified signs are not present - I would advise to stop Dostineks, to make the analysis of a blood on Progesteronum on 21 j day of a cycle for acknowledgement or confirmation of presence of an ovulation. By the way to tell or say:
The analysis of Prolactinum can be taken on 3 - 6 days of a cycle provided that YOU are in a status of full rest and be awake a minimum 3 hours up to the analysis.

19.08.2004, 10:39
Dear g-n Levit. I handed over Prolactinum also one year ago (on 21 d. ts. 1188, 00 mme/l (norm or rate 67 720), Progesteronum 48.80 nmol/l (10 89) and on 6 d. ts. Prolactinum 1231, 00 mme/) the Diagnosis giperprolakt. A failure have put still one year ago. Menstr. The cycle was regular, allocation from papillas was not. Accepted Parlodelum 1 tab in day. On a background of Parlodelum there has come or stepped pregnancy (also have found out a cyst of the rights. An ovary diameter. 5, 8, though one year ago I did or made laparaskopiju in occasion of a cyst of the same ovary (8, 5)), the doctor has told or said to accept it or him till 12 weeks, that I and did or made. On 10 week there was an abortion. There was a threat and to me appointed or nominated Progesteronum 2, 5 % v/m 1 in day, utrozhestan 2 capsules in day, Microfollinum 1* 3, HG under the scheme or plan 2 in a week about 1500 Units At a cancelling of Progesteronum v/the m and depression of Microfollinum up to 2 tab has occured or happened an abortion. Dr. The doctor has told or said, that was necessary at pregnancy Parlodelum at once to cancel, t. To. He suppresses also development or manufacture and HG (a hormone of pregnancy). On 8 week handed over HGCH 26000 ed/l. After an abortion have cancelled all preparations, have appeared allocation of milk from papillas and for 22 day handed over all hormones Prolactinum Prolactinum 65, 31 ng/ml. Now, as I also spoke, appoint or nominate Dostineks and Tireotom while I accept nothing, allocation from papillas are saved, the cycle was restored. Advise please what to do or make?

Levit B.I.
20.08.2004, 08:59
Concerning tireotoma - my opinion has not changed. Against small doses dostineksja I do not mind, but it is necessary to spend KT gipfiza for exception of an adenoma.
How much or As far as I know, Parlodelum on allocation HGCH does not render any influence. All - taki, is not excluded, that the ovulation at you is and without dostineksa (it is necessary to check up) - in this case with preparations it is possible and to wait a little.

21.08.2004, 13:48
Many thanks for the answer. Did or made a nuclear magnetic resonance golovnrgo a brain: " On series MR-of tomograms of a brain without focal and volumetric educations. Median structures or frames are not displaced. Sites of pathological change of signal strength are not found out. The pituitary body is not increased, the structure or frame is not changed. " That such " small doses Dostineksa "? To Me appoint or nominate 1 tab in a week within 16 weeks.
What it is necessary to make, whether to check up is an ovulation? (US monitoring of a folliculogenesis?) whether Correctly I have understood, what if the ovulation is, preparations are not necessary, it is possible beremennet and so?

Levit B.I.
22.08.2004, 18:05
That it is necessary to make, whether to check up is an ovulation - I to you already wrote. I shall repeat once again: the analysis of a blood on Progesteronum on 21 j monitoring of a folliculogenesis too will not prevent day of a cycle, US. Absence of a pathology on MRT svidetlstvuet as I also assumed, about absence of serious hormonal disturbances.
If the ovulation is, preparations are not necessary, it is possible beremennet and tak-you have understood me correctly. " Small doses Dostineksa " - less, than 1 2 tab. In a week.