Просмотр полной версии : Many thanks the doctor for the answer to my question 15 January in occasion of predkli...

11.08.2004, 22:39
Many thanks the doctor for the answer to my question 15 January in occasion of a preclimacterium. You have advised an oral contraceptive, prompt pozhaljsta - to what will approach or suit t is better. To. At me the genital herpes are sometimes shown, and also at me a mastopathy and a small fibroadenoma of a breast behind what I on a regular basis watch or keep up. Very much I hope for your advice or council.

12.08.2004, 18:33
kontraceptivy ne vliaiut na herpes. Sa adenomoi (esli one ne menialas v techeni mnogih let) nuzhno sledit. A luchshe vsego vam podoidut kontraceptivy s minimalnoi dosoi estrogena - alesse, mirsette, lo-estrin 1/20