Просмотр полной версии : giperprolaktinemija

09.08.2004, 18:01
Good afternoon, the doctor! To me have diagnosed giperprolaktinemija. MRT has shown absence of a microadenoma, the blood on Prolactinum surrendered twice, first time, in the beginning of a cycle was a parameter 3506, in 4 months, for 25 day of a cycle - 1745, at norm or rate 28-650. To me has appointed or nominated dostineks or Bromocriptinum. But to start to accept I can not in any way - I am afraid of a negligence of doctors. Read on the Internet about hyper-miju much, that can be not by way of both adrenals and ovaries. Ovaries on a cyst and a myoma checked twice - the answer negative. As I suffer from a hirsutism, prochla it there can be consequences of one illness or disease. Yes, both that and other I has started to observe after abortion on 3 month in 17 years. What my further steps? To start to accept hormonal tablets or to consult still with what string the endocrinologist? Thanks for the answer yours faithfully, Dream.

Kutin M.A.
10.08.2004, 19:30
Interestingly - be afraid of a negligence of doctors, and about "negligence" of the Internet did not think? You are assured, what the inspection executed to you high-grade?
I can offer personal meeting only