Просмотр полной версии : Whether reception "jodomarina" with a view of prophylaxis of diseases shchitovidki is harmful? I...

05.08.2004, 17:06
Whether reception "jodomarina" with a view of prophylaxis of diseases shchitovidki is harmful? I do not know, whether all is normal with mine a board. A gland, but shortage of an iodine obviously is, and suddenly I do or make it to myself in harm (I drink "jodomarin").....?

09.08.2004, 11:38
At some diseases SHCHZH reception jodomarina is counter-indicative. It is necessary precisely the nobility, function SHCHZH is lowered or raised or increased, whether there are in her sites and if there are, what is this educations, whether they (he) develop or produce independently hormones), etc. .nelzja to itself, blindfold, to appoint or nominate a potassium Iodidum, especially, if for any reasons it is known, that with shchitovidkoj " something not so ".