Просмотр полной версии : I am am expected with operation on a thyroid gland in the extremity or end of September. DTZ 2 items I Know...

29.07.2004, 00:39
I am am expected with operation on a thyroid gland in the extremity or end of September. DTZ 2 items I Know, that the best status for the patient before operation is when hormones in norm or rate. Having made the analysis: TTG - 5.8, 3 - 4.0, 4 - 5, 4, living in Germany I do not know, how analysis TRAKH he at me 4, 5, TAKNUK - 36 (up to 60), TPONUK - 8861 (up to 60) is called. 2 months I accept Thiamazolum 0, 5 mg. Once a day. It seems to me, that it is necessary to change the scheme or plan of reception of medicines (the truth, appointed or nominated half a year back eutiroks to me has not approached or suited). As you think, the dear doctor, it is possible to improve my status 20 days prior to operation, in fact date is already appointed or nominated...

Latkina N.V.
01.08.2004, 02:27
By data of hormones (TTG, 3, 4) - at you a medicamental hypothyrosis, t. e. Function of a thyroid gland is blocked. In this status it is possible to be operated, but it is better when an euthyroidism (the normal maintenance or contents of hormones). Why to you has not approached or suited eutiroks?