Просмотр полной версии : Ya xotel bi uznat kakovo vliyanie diabeta na budushix detey. Situaciya tak...

01.07.2004, 13:01
Ya xotel bi uznat kakovo vliyanie diabeta na budushix detey. Situaciya takova: U devushki diabet (podkalivaet insulin) a u parnya v semye est diabetiki, toesy v genax est. Kak vi dumaete kakoy procent veroyatnisti 4to u etoy semyi roditsa rebyonok s diabetom?

02.07.2004, 01:05
Good afternoon! I to you recommend to esteem the book " Diabetum from And up to I " on a site http: // diabet-news. ru section "pregnancy". I Cite this book:
If at mother Diabetum 1 go type:
Chances of the newborn to be ill with Diabetum - from 1 up to 3 %. If at the father Diabetum 1 go type:
Chances of the newborn to be ill with Diabetum - from 3 up to 6 %.
If at any of parents in the age of after 50 years Diabetum 2 go type has developed:
Chances of the newborn to be ill with Diabetum make 7 %.
If at any of parents in the age of till 50 years Diabetum 2 go type has developed:
Chances of the newborn to be ill with Diabetum make 14 %.
Though Diabetum can not threaten your child, there are other potential threats both to its or his health, and your own.