Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, that the analysis on AT to TPO during pregnancy means and...

27.06.2004, 13:56
Tell or Say, please, that the analysis on AT to TPO during pregnancy and when it is necessary to hand over it or him means? At me autoimunnyj tireodit. What are still necessary analyses on hormones. Thanks.

27.06.2004, 20:34
Dear Elena! For an estimation of function of a thyroid gland both during pregnancy, and outside of it or her, it is necessary to define or determine levels of hormones of a thyroid gland (3, 4) and TTG. AT to TPO are not clinically significant parameter and it is used as additional acknowledgement or confirmation (alongside with tonkoigolnoj a puncture biopsy and US of a thyroid gland) a chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. The doctor endocrinologist Reznik Sergey Markovich.