Просмотр полной версии : At my father Diabetum 2 types, Diabetum has given complication on eyes. At raised or increased...

18.06.2004, 03:43
At my father Diabetum 2 types, Diabetum has given complication on eyes. At raised or increased Saccharum vision worsens, the Father speaks, that as though there is no sharpness Separately an eye see well, and together all razplyvchato. Doctors have diagnosed - Distanija an optic nerve on a background of expressed Diabetum of 2 degrees. But has washed off not in it or this, it is valid if Saccharum 5.9 - 6.7 eyes see well, at rising narushaetsja sharpness. At me a question, whether It is possible to divide or undresse these or it 2 postulates. Saccharum and eyes. THAT influences deterioration of vision. That the nobility how to struggle with deterioration of vision not only dropping of Saccharum....

18.06.2004, 08:15
Dear Alexey! The status of a lens depends on fluctuations of Saccharum. Therefore at fluctuation of Saccharum visual acuity changes, thus the cataract still or even can be formed. Therefore it is better to adhere to a level of Saccharum within day from 5 up to 9 mmol/l. Prophylaxis also consists In it or this also.