Просмотр полной версии : Delay in a cycle

02.03.2004, 14:31
Prompt pozhalujsto as it is possible to settle men. A cycle (whenever possible not hormonal agents). To me of 27 years and recently he constantly jumps from 28 till 43 days. I constantly sit on a diet, can with it or this is connected. One time I accepted folic + an acid, at present I do not remember a dosage. Prompt pozhalujsto.

06.03.2004, 15:26
Zdrastvujte. It is very difficult to respond to your question. For this purpose it is necessary to see you, rasprosit your anamnesis, a kind of a diet which you ispolzujute, probably is required opredelnie any goromonov, the US of a small basin, etc. exists many various statuses, both connected with endocrinology, and not connected at which the menstrual cycle can change
To it or this, it is better to solve this question at internal consultation of the doctor.

To data, the menstrual cycle can be broken as well as at insufficient weight, and at superfluous!!!

Doctor-endocrinologist Podgrebelnyj Alexander Nikolaevich