Просмотр полной версии : On what hormones to hand over the analysis?

14.01.2004, 13:35
Zdrastvujte, the dear doctor!
Prompt, please, analyses on what hormones it is necessary for me zdat to be prepared for consultation at the endocrinologist. A problem following: in 1998. On US 2 sites at the left in a thyroid gland are diagnosed, gland was without changes, hormones in norm or rate. A puncture: sprava-propunktirovan a cystic colloid nodal struma, sleva-propunktirovan partial prolifilirujushchy a cystic colloid nodal struma. Annually did or made control US. US, the picture such today has repeated: pr. d. 561616, l. d. 601923, per. 3. 2. Contours rough, the parenchyma is non-uniform in all departments due to gipoehogennyh the zones borrowing or occupying about 1/2 fields of vision. In the left share nodal educations 4 in diameter and by the sizes 191413 are visualized. Both educations raised or increased ehogennosti, with regional effect. The structure or frame of greater of them is non-uniform due to hyperechoic and gipoehogennyh includings or incorporations. PriDK the raised or increased intensity of a blood flow in a parenchyma and perinoduljarnyj a blood flow of focal educations is defined or determined. Zones regionarnogo a lymph drainage without features. The conclusion: an echo attributes of the mixed struma. Consultation of the endocrinologist is recommended. The general or common status: fast fatigability, irritability, periodically keeps temperature 37 37, 3. The cycle was reduced from 7 days till 4 5 days and with a smaller interval. If it is not complex or difficult, write, please, your opinion in occasion of the set forth above signs and US.
In advance I thank,

14.01.2004, 15:36
The dear Lena! To you has simply carried with the doctor of US. At you very competent UZI-the report of a thyroid gland. We recommend you to spend US of a thyroid gland on the same apparatus and the same expert. It will facilitate to doctors carrying out of an estimation of your status in dynamics or changes and will allow to correct or adjust treatment more effectively. Most likely, at you hyperactivity or superactivity of a thyroid gland which leads to augmentation of diameter of nodal educations is noted. For specification of a functional status of a thyroid gland we recommend you to carry out following hormonal researches: 3 (obshch. And svob.), 4 (obshch. And svob.), TTG, antibodies. You can spend these researches quickly and qualitatively in our medical center. Bodies 540 74 62. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category endocrinologist Razova Love Viktorovna.

17.01.2004, 18:29
For an estimation functional sostojainija a thyroid gland it is necessary to define or determine hormones of blood TTG and free 4 (in others goromnah for the first moment of necessity is not present - they concern to tests 3 levels). As data of the previous US are important - in particular it is necessary to estimate or appreciate dynamics or changes of body height of sites and dynamics or changes of volume of a thyroid gland.

Under your complaints and results of inspection it is possible to suspect a multinodal toxic struma.

But only after doobsledovanija it is possible to speak particularly about the precise diagnosis and will appoint or nominate sootvestvujushchee treatment.