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25.05.2003, 02:51
Sergey. Great Novgorod.
Advise medical establishment S.-Peterburga (paid or not all is peer) or the Doctor (traditional or nonconventional medicine) or, something advise.
At my wife and its or her sister a thyrotoxicosis (or a hyperthyroidism).
At the sister (her now 29 years) in the beginning were a hypothyrosis, after wrong treatment (as she considers or counts) a L-thyroxine a hypothyrosis has passed in a hyperthyroidism after treatment by Mercazolilum within 3th years, to her have performed operation on excision of a part of a thyroid gland, but the status has not improved, - were added: the allergy, komok in a throat , the greater or big size of eyes, etc. she to accept Hormonal preparations (Mercazolilum) any more does not want, to the Novgorod doctors does not trust.
At the wife (now 35 years) were similar to her in the beginning a hypothyrosis (treated too a L-thyroxine), then unsuccessful pregnancy, then a hyperthyroidism. In due course parameters T3, T4 and TTG only worsen, constantly big pulse (> 100) pressure (140x90), etc. Is treated hormonal preparations (Mercazolilum) she seeing experience of the sister refuses, not traditional methods of treatment (from the psychotherapist up to leeches) have not helped or assisted.
Excuse the long message, but something advise, please.

:confused::o: (

01.06.2003, 22:36
I from Rostov-on-Don, therefore hope, that here there will be doctors from ST.-P. which can something advise in occasion of clinic. In occasion of to advise - you have not specified digit of hormones, and without them to understand in your story the diagnosis very difficultly.

02.06.2003, 03:48
Thanks that have responded!

In 1998 my wife the hypothyrosis, a struma of II item have diagnosed
She accepted a L-thyroxine.
Then like became very well
In 1999 analyses (tracer technique)
Date 12.07.99
3 1,51 ???y/l Norm or Rate 1,2-2,8
4 106,3 ???y/l Norm or Rate 62-162

At the wife 2 times (2-nd in 2000 of times became the reason unsuccessful beremenosti) suddenly razvivivalsja a hepatitis (as have shown analyses, did or made in Botkinskoj balnitse, this disease does not concern to one of known forms of a virus hepatitis, and proceeds very hardly, - last time week
She was in reanimation).

After this unsuccessful pregnancy (interrupted pregnancy on 23 week, did or made cesarean section) in 2000. Has handed over analyses in 2001 TTG and 3, 4 and they have shown
But seeing experience of the sister (it or she had a hyperthyroidism:
- Treated merkazalilom
- Then it or she had an operation of a subtotal resection the Board.
- Then again Mercazolilum and the diagnosis a hyperplasia thyroid
Glands, DTZ, a thyrotoxicosis in a stage of an exacerbation +
Allergy (on many food stuffs), practically
postojanoe oshchushenie komka in a throat sometimes up to a status
Dyspneas.) my wife categorically refuses (boitsja)
The same method of treatment and not what preparations does not accept)
Date 1.08.01 (tracer technique)
3 5,59 ???y/l Norm or Rate 1,2-2,8
4 284,7 ???y/l Norm or Rate 62-162
TTG 0,12 ??N/l Norm or Rate 0,15-4,05

nepoverila has once again handed over
Date 17.08.01 (tracer technique)
3 5,5 ???y/l Norm or Rate 1,2-2,8
4 198,0 ???y/l Norm or Rate 62-162
Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin - otrits.
TTG <0,1 ??N/l Norm or Rate 0,15-4,05

Have decided to be treated at the psychotherapist
Then once again only TTG
Date 19.10.01 (tracer technique)
TTG 0,15 ??N/l Norm or Rate 0,15-4,05

It was then treated by leeches

Have solved, that can be passes or takes place, but
Date 21.12.01 (tracer technique)
3 7,66 ???y/l Norm or Rate 1,2-2,8
4 264,5 ???y/l Norm or Rate 62-162
Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin - will put.
TTG 0,14 ??N/l Norm or Rate 0,15-4,05

Now analyses
Date 13.02.2003
Thyritropic hormone TSH 0,02 ?Nn/ml; Norm or Rate 0,2-4
Free thyroxine FT4 75,99 mol/l; Norm or Rate 10,2-23.2
C trijodtironin FT3 14,87 mol/l; Norm or Rate 2-6,5
Antibodies to mikrosomalnoj fractions 785,2 Nn/ml; ?-mA 0-30
Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin 8,76 Nn/ml; Norm or Rate 0-65

And/n basically 14080 (but quite often happens and 16090)
Pulse within the limits of 98-105, but there are days, that he of the order 120
Often a status of a nausea
Strong delicacy, irritability

Sometimes (when it is very bad, time 3-4 in a month) accepts tablets from pressure and sertsebienija.

I shall explain why such bias to Mercazolilum
At the sister of the wife when she has ceased to accept merkazalil (her anybody it or him did not cancel also it more year!!) analyses have improved, there was a struma less, the status has improved And/n and pulse in norm or rate. Certainly not all has passed or has taken place, but to her became incomparable better.

And more
I have placed this report on some Forums
On site TIRONET on an opportunity of treatment radioktivnym the Iodine to 131 me have informed the doctor Yana Studentsova and prof. Melnichenko G.A. (it is very grateful to them for it) and vshushili a drop of hope and optimism to the wife, but she all peerly is afraid
Though as that to continue to be treated.
Advise. Prompt. If it is possible at the Forum of site TIRONET
http: // forums. (the Forum:
Diseases shchitovednoj glands. Subject _)
Or here.

For Sergey earlier is grateful.

02.06.2003, 20:10
Thanks that have written so in detail. So your wife, had a predisposition to disease a board. Glands (AIT), and stress which, probably, pregnancy, plus an autoimmune hepatitis has served - has led to advance of process, occurrence of a thyrotoxicosis. Now in occasion of treatment... Mercazolilum causes goitrogenic effect, it is known to all endocrinologists, therefore for the prevention or warning of it or this efekta always appoint or nominate after some time of therapy tireostatikami - a L-thyroxine in a combination to Mercazolilum and the goitrogenic effect is not present (and your sister accepted Mercazolilum without a combination, as has led to the changes described by you in its or her iron). For this reason the cancelling of Mercazolilum has led to some clinical improvement at your wife and the struma became less. But it not the decision of a problem, I would not advise a radioiodine, and would recommend to spend all over again adequate conservative therapy of a thyrotoxicosis: propitsil (tireostatik, the +L-thyroxine (for the prevention or warning of goitrogenic effect) + (for correction of a tachycardia and a hypertonia possesses smaller by-effects in difference from Mercazolilum)). Only to spend treatment it is necessary under the control of the competent endocrinologist, the addicting of your wife for national medicine can play a negative role during disease and lead to development of a thyrocardiac crisis. At competently spent thyreostatic treatment it is possible bude to reach or achieve long remissi. Average terms of treatment about one year (individually). Independent correction of therapy is inadmissible, be not engaged in a selftreatment!

03.06.2003, 00:04