Просмотр полной версии : Vospalenie limfouzlov

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30.12.2005, 09:50
Zdravstvujte, moemu synishke sdelali privivku ot tuberkuleza v vozraste 2-uh nedel, sejchas emu 2 mesjaca, i u nego vospalilis limfouzly pod zatylkom, sleva, stali razmerov s goroshinu. My zhivem v Norvegii, i mestnye vrachi govorjat nichego s etim ne delat. Opasno li vospalenie vimfouzlov dlja takogo malenkogo rebenka i pravy li mestnye vrachi, nuzhno li chto-to predprinimat dlja lechenija, i o chem voobwe govorit vospalenie limfouzlov posle podobnoj privivki? Ochen nadejus na otvet, s uvezheniem, Julia.

31.12.2005, 01:11
I think, Julia, that the Norwegian colleagues are right: the bases for excitement are not present, the picture described by you quite keeps within reaction to introduction of a vaccine. If these or it lmfouzly something will disturb the child, or if become sharply morbid and the skin above them will redden, or if will not decrease in two months, - then show the child to the doctor again.