Просмотр полной версии : Furuncle

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello!! At me on a body vyrostaet already the second furuncle. Prompt more effective treatment for this misfortune. Can the course of antibiotics or in general purification or ablution of a blood is necessary? Why in general these sores appear? In advance thanks for answers.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello!! At me on a body vyrostaet already the second furuncle. Prompt more effective treatment for this misfortune. Can the course of antibiotics or in general purification or ablution of a blood is necessary? Why in general these sores appear? In advance thanks for answers.

You should isledovat and will find out what bacteria is in pus then to make the analysis what to find out chustvitelnost these or it bacteria to antibiotics and accordingly to accept tet an antibiotic to kotorumu naibole chuvstvitelny these bacteria!

01.09.2004, 19:30
As specification: and what for the nobility what bacteria if all peerly to define or determine sensitivity?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You that have in view of? It is necessary nadrezat a sore and to clean? I do not agree it. Yesterday to me it or her have started talking so to say and the tumour has started to fall down.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Capricik and why you then have written to a forum *quot; o?OOOu?n*quot; if surgical treatment do not agree, especially go on any *quot; ?auoOU*quot;.

There is a forum *quot; ??????n*quot; http: // forums./forumdisplay.php? f=6 - there also talk nonsense...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Generally I expected not such answers. Read through please that I have written right at the beginning.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To treat furuncles, certainly, it is necessary. But it is much more important to understand, why they have started to appear....

Look a similar subject *quot; eU????*quot;

http: // forums./showthread.php? t=11790

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Capricik. If it is a furuncle - it or him it is necessary to open - there pus, and it to not eat well. From the surgeon you vrjadli will hear another.

I am probably sharp, but, you see, when the person comes to the surgeon with a surgical problem and declares, that *quot; to cut not na??n*quot; it looks or appears somehow not correctly, that-whether... It is not logical, if want.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Clearly. Surgeons identical - to cut all and all!!! Certainly is most easier to open and everything, but I sit at home with the child and I do not have opportunity to go then on dressings, etc. shall not surrender up to victorious as pus has broken and now it or him I shall take in all ways. chiry the surgeon too wished to open the first, but I have cured it or him. The another matter, certainly, how much to me still to expect these sores. Here in this occasion I again taki have not waited answers. Why these pieces are formed on a body?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Capricik.

You have very logically noticed, that *quot; surgeons identical - to cut and all!!! *quot;. If will allow I shall continue: therapists all identical - drink tablets, if nyxes; builders - lay down a brick, *quot; -?a?a*quot;, etc.

Understand, if there is a pus - it or he should be let out or released, since he does not resolve, but only it is even more *quot; poisons Oua????*quot;.

On the other hand you have waited, as for the first time, and in the second that the furuncle itself was opened. I.e. practically the same, that the surgeon would make, only waited (more more longly, hurted or was ill;was sick) more longly and there was all pus. Will heal Hence more longly, probably the pyesis will be prolonged, and it, in turn will lead to the worst cosmetic result. If with figurative thinking all by way of the purulent wound (the furuncle or still that there can be) in a structure should look or appear as a traditional glass for martini - top more widely a bottom or fundus, rather the reverse. At independent break just it turns out malenkoe an aperture at enough big cavity in which pus will continue to collect. Therefore (and almost only on it or this) surgeons also aspire to open an abscess by means of acute subjects. So heals more quickly and more beautifully.

By the way, the neighbourhood of a purulent wound (lechenoj doubtful methods) with the small child - not the best, that can be...

As to the reason of their occurrence... Natalia has already resulted or brought the link on very indicative, in this plan, discussion. prochtite its or her and some questions by itself will disappear, and those that will remain or will arise - have chance to be more thorough, that-whether... Considered. In any case without entering infektsi in a skin (grazes, raschyosy, the intertrigoes, the raised or increased sweating, depression of personal hygiene) furuncles do not happen. It is time. At some endocrine diseases/changes there is a raised or an increased predilection to this business are two.

Primary search of these reasons should be begun on internal reception in an out-patient department, and here to interpret results, to receive references on additional methods it is possible already and in and-not those or that... But not naobrot.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Clearly. Surgeons identical - to cut all and all!!! Certainly is most easier to open and everything, but I sit at home with the child and I do not have opportunity to go then on dressings, etc. shall not surrender up to victorious as pus has broken and now it or him I shall take in all ways. chiry the surgeon too wished to open the first, but I have cured it or him. The another matter, certainly, how much to me still to expect these sores. Here in this occasion I again taki have not waited answers. Why these pieces are formed on a body?

Why you neprislushivalsja to my advice or council? I predlogaju local and the general or common antibakterianlnuju therapy!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Gallen!! Thanks for the answer!! I keep all rules of hygiene on treatment of a furuncle and I hope an infection will not pass to the child. In general if see you tomorrow to me it becomes better not, I shall go to the surgeon.

I heard there is such therapy (I do not know as is called), type of a hemotransfusion. The blood from a vein undertakes and joins through a back place. It helps or assists?

01.09.2004, 19:30

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sentry!!:eek: SHCHas the neigbour has frightened up to mors, speaks, that at it or her the brother has died because of a furuncle.... All!!! Tomorrow to run to the doctor!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is not necessary to panic. To die of a furuncle is still to try it is necessary. But pus is always seryozno.

Nina 77777
01.09.2004, 19:30
But remember just in case. The furuncle in nosogubnom a triangle NECESSARILY demands treatment from the doctor, and in conditions of a hospital!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Wash with all a hated furuncle had the nerve to get out on a soft part of a femur, near to lymphonoduses. I hope to live see you tomorrow. Reddening already in a floor of a femur and a leg or foot hurts.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
And that *quot; ?auoO*quot; has not helped or assisted.

Here now, complicated by a lymphadenitis-will go to treat to the surgeon.

And there is he not near to lymphonoduses, and lymphonoduses have increased because of in time not cleaned or removed pus. And if earlier treatment could be only local, now precisely receive a course of antibiotics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The result - a furuncle is cut out, cleaned... That should be expected!!!:) the question is settled or exhausted.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The prompt convalescence!