Просмотр полной версии : Acute abdomen and pregnancy

The fly tse-
01.09.2004, 19:30
Situation of today, I can not send the wife in hospital (does not want) or wish). Pregnancy of 25-26 weeks. Somatopathies available: a hypothyrosis. 3 day disturb abdominal pains. The beginning of disease acute (did not sleep all the night long) - a pain pricking in left to the side, on a course of a descending part of the colonic intestine, extending below (without irraditsii in a femur). Easy or light;mild simplification after reception 1 tab. A papaverine per os. Saturday - within day constant pains from pricking paroxysmal up to diffusive or diffuse not certain on all left side, have appeared back pains in the left costally- angle. The status is facilitated in position laying (hardly better in a knee-ulnar position, position on a back or on the patient-healthy to a side without a difference), reception of a papaverine. porisoedinjaetsja the general or common delicacy, weakness. Absence of appetite. dyom temperatures up to 37,8. Today within day - delicacy, weakness, a pain in a side (pricking already is not present) and in lumbar area at the left. Chair - the tendency to a constipation. A diuresis - norm or rate, an emiction without features. Temperature within day at a level 37 - 36,6. \ -/persons. Fauces - a hyperemia, granularity (it is subjective pharyngalgias, pershenija is not present). The stomach or belly - is accessible to a deep palpation, bezbolezn. A pain at jerks in the left costally- angle. Hints on peritoneal simpomy - at the left in a zone of acute pains on the eve. Before disease - a strain in connection with a passing examinations, strong disturbance of a diet and a dream.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To the surgeon on consultation, urgently!!!!!!! A pancake....

On all rest while to spit (and for 3 day in particular).

To you road, any our reflections at the moment should be simply pofigu.

Then podiskutirem also we shall discuss!!!!:cool:

01.09.2004, 19:30
After will understand with abdominal pains...

Tell to us in occasion of a hypothyrosis - a dose of a thyroxine, last value or meaning;importance TTG.

01.09.2004, 19:30
After will understand with abdominal pains...

Tell to us in occasion of a hypothyrosis - a dose of a thyroxine, last value or meaning;importance TTG.

TTG 0,13 4 20,5 - data from 22.10.05 (it TTG was on 150 mg of a L-thyroxine). A dose of a L-thyroxine now - 125 mg.

01.09.2004, 19:30
We cause fast and we go to hospital...

01.09.2004, 19:30
While go - differentsionnyj series? For what exactly to search to the surgeon?

The beginning of disease acute (did not sleep all the night long)

Acute - what did not sleep? Acute, in surgery is more likely rate of development of disease, instead of duration and intensity.

Pains have arisen suddenly? On a background of full well-being?

Chair - the tendency to a constipation. I.e. is, but rare or infrequent and firm? Gaza depart, most likely, yes?

01.09.2004, 19:30
While go - differentsionnyj series? For what exactly to search to the surgeon?

Acute - what did not sleep? Acute, in surgery is more likely rate of development of disease, instead of duration and intensity.

Pains have arisen suddenly? On a background of full well-being?

I.e. is, but rare or infrequent and firm? Gaza depart, most likely, yes?

Acute from that suddenly in the evening on a background of full health there were megalgias of pricking character, from for which could not sleep.

Chair rare or infrequent (once in some days), dense. Gaza depart. Character of an emiction did not change, color and a transparence wet also.

By the moment of arrival fast the temperature was normalized, the general or common status pains of the moderate intensity, with localization already in torlko in lumbar area at the left have improved, saved. At a deep palpation greater or big sensitivity in the left departments of a stomach or belly, without a pain. Tongue is imposed white for a short while. The doctor with doubt in hospitalization nevertheless has delivered us in hospital.

Are examined by the surgeon and the gynecologist. It is made: in OAK - a leukocytosis 18, US of kidneys - lohanka a right kidney - 13, lohanka right - 6. OAM - I do not know: (It is certain in urology. It is appointed or nominated - tsefatoksim; suppositories with a papaverine; infusion - a glucose, vit. With, a magnesium; Analginum, Dimedrolum, Nospanum.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, and what preliminary diagnosis that???

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dr. Has approved (): aha, too it is interesting:). m.b. In opinion of these misters - about. A pyelonephritis?

There are doubts?:) TSefotaksim...

Here: (http: // www.practica.ru/DrugBook/Drugs/Ads/Aventis/Klaforan/Klaforan.htm)

Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. TSefotaksim gets through a placental barrier. The researches spent on animals, have not revealed teratogennogo action of a preparation. However safety of use tsefotaksima at pregnancy at the person was not defined or determined, therefore the preparation should not be used during pregnancy.

And here: (http: // alchemist.hamovniki.net/pharm/kz/www.pharmnews.kz/opisanie/10066.html)

Application of a preparation during the periods of pregnancy and a lactemia is justified only when the prospective advantage or benefit for mother exceeds potential risk for a fetus or the child. With care appoint or nominate at disturbances of function of kidneys, indicatings to a colitis in the anamnesis, and also newborns.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Indeed - about. A pyelonephritis!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Indeed - about. A pyelonephritis! Plus to all purposes or appointments - Phenazepamum for the night!:eek:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Actually, I also wished to steal up to the aforesaid the colleague Gallen-th! And please explain to me not far that are going to to achieve infusion 400 ml. Glucoses with askorbinkoj? Deintoxication? neseryozno! And in general the logic of concrete hospitalization is not clearest! I.e., if urology, podorazumevaetsja something from this opera! So? On what the choice tsefotaksima is based or founded;established??? Where though something from a urological arsenal in general? Taki it is certainly incorrect to discuss basically it without OAM would like.

Colleagues! And how you concern to a combination of candles with a papaverine and Nospanums?

As you concern to hated personally me *quot; ONO???O*quot;-acute zhivot-?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Taki it is certainly incorrect to discuss basically it without OAM would like.

Colleagues! And how you concern to a combination of candles with a papaverine and Nospanums?

As you concern to hated personally me *quot; ONO???O*quot;-acute zhivot-?

OAM - leucocytes, fresh erythrocytes - moderated or moderate kollichestvo (?), 1025, fiber is not present.

Electrocardiogram - norm or rate, a BP - norm or rate.

I so understand, that droppers are appointed or nominated by the gynecologist with the purpose of prophylaxis nevynashivanija, well and probably the surgeon not against was from a position *quot; nN???O??a??*quot;. The volume not 400, and is more (the nurse having seen purposes or appointments has sighed and has told or said - *quot; not small aN?y??a*quot;).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Now the patient is disturbed with the expressed pains in lumbar area at the left...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Though that would not drink Phenazepamum...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Though that would not drink Phenazepamum...

I and have told or said to her by phone. Tomorrow I shall go with the attending physician in the afternoon to talk...

01.09.2004, 19:30

Also do not find or consider please for work to inform on results of conversation!

01.09.2004, 19:30
In this case genucubital position is more useful than any dropper, imho. Do not eat Phenazepamum.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Also do not find or consider please for work to inform on results of conversation!

RESULT of today.

Up to 2 one o'clock in the morning prokapano - 1 litre of infusion.

Today since morning till 13-00 prokapali 1 more litre (800 fiz a solution and 200 glucoses)

The status satisfactory, is not present a pain (more correctly *quot; NO?N?O??a?y*quot; in a place of injections of an antibiotic - i.e. in a breech), a diuresis in norm or rate, the temperature 36,4, a BP 110/70, a dream was good.

Regimen polupostelnyj.

Diagoz - acute gestatsionnyj a pyelonephritis.

Time analyses of urine are taken still, crop wet, the developed or unwrapped analysis of a blood, biochemistry. Tomorrow still time of US of kidneys will do or make, UZDG renal vessels, still the gynecologist will look or see time.

In OAM - traces of erythrocytes, individual leucocytes.

Antibiotic have decided to not change - *quot; time ?a?a??*quot;. *quot; Write, that he is not desirable at pregnancy, but we it or him already for a long time use also all well at o?NO*quot;

On occasions of volume of infusion and duration - *quot; tactics fulfilled by years, all risk of obstruction but while a catheter to put is not present need and like a status quite good, but nevertheless in the appointed or nominated volume the nearest days still we shall continue aaOy*quot;.

In occasion of Phenazepamum - *quot; the standard purpose or appointment, but I do not insist, if you against I shall clean or remove from ?a??a?N??*quot;.

In occasion of a combination of Nospanum parenteralno and candles with a papaverine - *quot; suppositories will not prevent, harm from them any, shejka will not reveal, so let nN?aNO*quot;

In addition to treatment have registered Kanefron.

The additional information.

Scheduled coagulogram in 22-23 weeks - norm or rate.

Heredity - at mother of the patient similar problems during 3 pregnancies were marked or celebrated.

At the patient it is 2 pregnancy, in the first (3 years ago) the pyelonephritis (under analyses of urine - OAM and nechiporenko) also was put.

To occurrence of a current problem 3 week session with long sitting on employment or occupations and inactive oborazom preceded a life.

Doubts. Whether a pyelonephritis it in general? Whether there is a need or requirement for such volumes of infusion? Whether it is necessary to change the appointed or nominated antibiotic, considering cautions to application during pregnancy or to wait for results of crop and easier or simply to cancel this? And, how I understand, it was possible in fact and inside to appoint or nominate preparation, instead of breech 3 times to prick?

Very much it would be desirable for urologists to listen.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, purposes or appointments of type *quot; not ?N?aNO*quot; and *quot; time ?a?a??*quot; komentirovat vashche it is not necessary. A pancake.:mad:

prokapali, and good. It is More, imho, it is not necessary. How infusion can lower risk of obstruction? And whether there is he in general? To an antibioticotherapia I do not see Indications. With a papaverine I would advise suppositories to the doctor...:rolleyes:

Let has still had a drink Nospanum of day two, well and kanefron: travka:) with all following from this...

That urologists would hear - it is possible to move a subject to urology, or in lichku, for example, dear ZHivovu write.

It to tell or say as though more softly... I, not applying for exclusiveness of opinion, indications for treatment do not see.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The general or common analysis and crop wet taken by a catheter. The clinical analysis of a blood. If it is a lot of leucocytes also the infection infection of urinary ways grows is is called. Well and if thus the body temperature is raised or increased and there are changes lejkoformuly - the pyelonephritis means. It is necessary to make UZi kidneys. If the cavitary system is not expanded - we treat antibiotics (polusinteticheskie Penicillinums, cephalosporins). If the cavitary system of a kidney on the party or side of a pain is expanded - we establish or install a stent and besides we treat antibiotics. All other references are possible or probable only internally. Kanefron a medicine is not also it or him it is possible to accept with the same success as well as water or vinigret with salad olive. What for Nospanum and a papaverine, colleagues are necessary, I too do not understand.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the laconic and concrete answer.

The reality is those: crop is taken not by a catheter, and from OAM actually next day from the beginning of an antibioticotherapia. US of kidneys it was done or made twice - the pathology is not present. Have made UZDG vessels of kidneys - without a pathology. OAM from 16.11 without a pathology. In OAK the ESR 65 (on a background of pregnancy), a leukocytosis 9 (was 18) is saved. The state of health good within all week, complaints is not present. Nevertheless hospitalization proceeds. In/m cyclosporine within 6 days and after recommend 10 dnevnyj reception amoksiklava.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nevertheless hospitalization proceeds. In/m cyclosporine within 6 days

Eeee... What diagnosis??? Eee... Cyclosporine... eee.... In/m?:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
And as well all began! Penicillinum, 10 thousand units...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Eeee... What diagnosis??? Eee... Cyclosporine... eee.... In/m?:confused:

Be not frightened so:-) certainly not cyclosporine, and a cephalosporin.