Просмотр полной версии : ZdravstvujteJU the doctor! One week ago to me on a leg or foot opened a sting any n...

30.08.2004, 17:43
ZdravstvujteJU the doctor!
One week ago to me on a leg or foot opened a sting of any insect (under local anasteziej). A sting in the field of calf only in front on the left leg or foot. Treatment at present passes or takes place successfully - I go on dressings every day, UHF. I am am disturbed with an edema of a leg or foot in the field of shchikolotki. It is serious? Whether there can be any complications. Moreover I drink antibiotics TSiprolet and Trichopolum (already 6 oh day). I on this leg or foot had 10 years ago an operation (next) in occasion of a congenital dislocation of a hip joint (more operations it is not planned) and the leg or foot always in the summer chut-hardly swelled. And now swells more usual. That you will advise. In advance thanks.

Artemev A.A.
31.08.2004, 23:38
There is an impression that treat you well and correctly. The edema can be saved, however is important look in comparison with the previous status. To listed by you I can advise to do or make compresses (50 % alcohol or Dimexidum (to plant with water - one dose of Dimexidum to three doses of water)).