Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuite doctor! Moei doteri 5 let i u nee bolshie problemi so stulom...

30.08.2004, 01:16
Zdravstvuite doctor!
Moei doteri 5 let i u nee bolshie problemi so stulom, ona moget po 4 dnya ne oporognyatsya, a proishodit eato s takimi usiliyami i s platem, stul napominaet kamushki. Ya bi ozen hotela polutit ot vas sxemu obsledovaniya takix bolnix, s zego nam natat obsledovanie? Ya givu v Danii, mi bili na prieme u vrata, on vislushal galobi i skazal, zto samo soboi proidet, ne sdelav pri aetom obsledovaniya.

Peresada I.V.
30.08.2004, 23:52
First of all begin with crop of a feces on a dysbacteriosis, then it is necessary to make an irrigoscopy - research of a colon by means of a barium enema under rentgenom, for finding-out of position of a colon and its or her functionalities. After these researches it will be already possible to undertake the certain therapy.