Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, the truth that a unique preparation of local application as...

15.08.2004, 15:23
Tell or Say, the truth that a unique preparation of local application as pathogenetic therapy of a hemorrhoids is prokto-Glyvenolum? If is not present, what agents raschitany on treatment not consequences or investigations, and the reasons of a hemorrhoids?

Peresada I.V.
16.08.2004, 14:51
Hemorrhoids - a vascular disease, therefore it is possible to consider or count as prophylaxis strengthening of a vascular wall. These are vitamins, Ascorutinum, vit With, Escuzanum, Troxevasinum, detraleks. Besides the greater or big role in development of a hemorrhoids is played with a strain of muscles of a prelum abdominale, thus it is not necessary to give excessive loads.

18.08.2004, 01:43
The doctor, and I asked about local preparations of pathogenetic therapy of a hemorrhoids. And restoration of the broken or disturbed hemodynamic by application of Ascorutinum, Troxevasinum, etc. is represented doubtful. And Detraleks it in fact systemic venotonik?