Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me of 56 years. A hemorrhoids smeshennogo type, about a bleeding...

17.08.2004, 07:54
Hello, the doctor!
To me of 56 years. A hemorrhoids smeshennogo type, with a bleeding during an exacerbation. Respond, please, to following questions:
Whether 1. It is possible to put suppositories during a bleeding, or it only injures sites?
Whether 2. It is possible at a hemorrhoids (internal and external) and a bleeding to put microclysters, and if yes, what?
3. At me an intimate or a cardiac arrhythmia (ekstrasistolija). By means of what preparations it is possible to stop a bleeding and how much plentiful it can be at a hemorrhoids? Read, that at a bleeding use suppositories with an adrenaline, but he is counter-indicative to me.
Whether 4. There Are at you data who is engaged in progressive methods of treatment of a hemorrhoids in Kursk. Prompt, please.

Peresada I.V.
17.08.2004, 15:49
You should profilakticheski accept preparation Detraleks as try to soften as much as possible a chair (a diet, easy or light;mild laxatives). As a rule, at a bleeding the effect of all candles at once does not come. Therefore expediently constantly to apply suppositories: with krasavkoj, metiluratsilovye, oblepihovye. Nevertheless try to pass or take place consultation at the proctologist at itself in Kursk. You on a place will understand who and that more quickly.