Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. I have to you one question ask you to respond t. To...

14.08.2004, 04:00
Hello the doctor. I have to you one question ask you to respond t. To very hurts.
I the fragile girl, 3 days ago throttled me the maniac and after that painfully to swallow as during an angina. Doctors at us are not present please help or assist
Nick27@mailru. com

Elshanskij I.V.
14.08.2004, 23:39
- Visible, pains are caused by an edema, hematomas after a trauma. Fracture of cartilages of a larynx most likely is not present - differently you would have problems with respiration. Accept analgetics, spazmolitiki (No-shpa). If you the person emotional - have a drink something calming or abirritating (valerian drops, Leonurus, Phenazepamum, in reasonable doses). Better, certainly, see a doctor (the surgeon, an ENT).