Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Help or assist advice or council. Is chustvo numbnesses of the left little finger...

11.08.2004, 16:31
Hello, the doctor! Help or assist advice or council. Is chustvo numbnesses of the left little finger, here in 03 have prompted, what is it a lesion of a nerve and I think, that I is guilty slightly vyvihnutoe a brachium. I went to the surgeon, he has told or said, what is it a predislocation and he can correct for it or him. But up to me to it or him;them my mum went and he to her set a leg or foot (she till now priramyvaet) so I do not know, likely it is necessary to look old kostoprava. I live in a Krasnodar. Can know here whom? In advance thanks.

Elshanskij I.V.
12.08.2004, 17:27
Unfortunately, in Krasnodar I know nobody.