Просмотр полной версии : neznaju, that at me to descend or go to the doctor there is no opportunity, please prokonsult...

11.08.2004, 11:16
neznaju, that at me to descend or go to the doctor there is no opportunity, please consult: at me the anus is scratched, the blood is sometimes allocated, in proctal or anal sex I am not engaged, there can be it after sorts or labors?, to the younger child 6 years. WHAT IS IT such? And how it is possible to cure?

Peresada I.V.
12.08.2004, 12:35
Most likely it is an internal bleeding hemorrhoids. Treatment: the diet to exclude alcohol, a spicy food, into the proctal or anal channel to enter ointment posterizan, Aurobin. If will not pass or not take place, it is necessary to pass or take place internal survey.