Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me 28. Never problems was, but here recently after def...

06.08.2004, 13:09
The dear doctor! To me 28. Never problems was, but here recently after a defecation on a toilet paper has started to notice a blood. Snachalo chut-hardly. But now the blood already has more, even drops of a blood in a toilet bowl. Thus I do not test any pains, nothing hurts. Tell or say, what is it and advise what to do or make.

Peresada I.V.
07.08.2004, 02:05
Most likely at you display of an internal bleeding hemorrhoids. Esteem in conference of the reference, try to carry out them if will not pass or not take place, call 199 2554 Igor Valerevich, we shall understand together.