Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The doctor prompt, please, heard about excision gemmoroja p...

29.07.2004, 21:04
Hello! The doctor prompt, please, heard about excision gemmoroja by introduction in nodules of any medicine, should inflame and be tightened or delayed inside. I do not know precisely. Whether there is something similar if only bezoperatsionno. And more I suffer frequent constipations, whether it is possible to use constantly candles with sea-buckthorn berries and galaksennoj? Or there is something better for maintenance of a regular chair. (from dizbakterioza I drink periodically preparations, etc.). In advance thanks.

Peresada I.V.
02.08.2004, 04:20
Procedure is called skleroterapija, efficiency about 50 60 %, more effectively and a little bit more safely a ligation of sites. For the decision of a question on struggle against constipations inspection is required.